Swift Awareness Week

Dear Fellow Swift Lovers

Great news! 

A pair of breeding swifts have taken up home in Mark Mogford’s nest box and another pair are nesting in a nestbox just outside Usk.

Swift Awareness Week

This starts on Saturday 29th June.  You can find out more at the RSPB site using this link: https://rspb.org.uk/whats-happening/news/swift-awareness-week.Swifts of Usk is marking Swift Week by:

  1. holding an extra Swift Walk on Sunday 30th June at 8pm, starting from Maryport South Car Park, Usk.  Come along and join us!
  2. asking everyone with a swift box and electronic swift caller to switch their caller on, if they haven’t yet. Dawn and dusk are the best times.  We recommend having a chat with neighbours so they’re aware that the callers will only be on for a few weeks, until swifts start to make their way back to Africa. If anyone has queries about the callers, please feel free to direct them to us at swiftsofusk@gmail.com.
  3. inviting people to sign the petition in the Synedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament Legislate to ensure swift bricks are installed in all new buildings in Wales using this link: https://petitions.senedd.wales/petitions/246264

Installing a new nestbox

It’s not too late.  Nestboxes are available to purchase from Peak Boxes using this link: https://www.peakboxes.co.uk/filters/swifts.  Whilst it’s unlikely to become home to a nesting pair this season, it has a good chance of attracting younger birds as they scout for nest sites to return to in the future. Whilst stocks last, we have some electronic swift callers for £20 each. These callers create sounds that mimic swifts and received wisdom tells us improve the chances of swifts nesting.

Swifts of Usk.