Grange Project Outdoor GOS Meeting Saturday 6th July 2024

The event will start at 9am and all are welcome.  Note that when driving up the lane to the site, people should continue driving on past the farm listed as being owned by WK Long & Partners and Grange Farm is the next turning on the left a little further down the lane (post code: NP25 5HW).
The Grange Project in Monmouthshire is an innovative initiative focused on rewilding and environmental education. Situated in the scenic countryside, this project aims to restore natural habitats and biodiversity through sustainable practices and community engagement. The Grange Project emphasizes rewilding, working to reintroduce native flora and fauna, enhance ecosystem health, and promote wildlife conservation.
In addition to their on-site activities, the project’s founders host the “Wilder Podcast,” which explores topics related to rewilding, conservation, and environmental stewardship. Through this podcast, they share insights, stories, and interviews with experts in the field, fostering a broader understanding and appreciation of rewilding efforts. The Grange Project serves as a model for integrating ecological restoration with public outreach and education, inspiring others to engage in similar conservation endeavors.
Their website has further details and can be found at: