Officers and Committee
To email a Society officer directly, click on the appropriate name below.
Society Contacts
President | Steve Roberts |
Honorary Vice President | Alan Williams |
Chairman (Trustee) | Richard M. Clarke |
Treasurer (Trustee) | Billy Harris |
Secretary and Webmaster(Trustee) | Blair Jones |
Membership Secretary (Trustee) | Vacant |
Indoor Secretary (Trustee) | Marie Rose Pugh |
Outdoor Secretary (Trustee) | Dave Brassey |
Report Editor (Trustee) | Vacant |
Newsletter Editor | Kevin Hewitt |
County Recorder | Vacant |
Conservation Officer (Trustee) | Andrew Baker |
BTO Representative | Richard M. Clarke |
Rarities Panel: Tom Chinnick, Richard M. Clarke, Chris Hatch, Chris Jones, Jerry Lewis,
Committee members (Trustees): James Graham, Chris Jones, Verity Picken, Chris Hatch
Co-opted members: Mark Mogford, Stephanie Tyler, Steve Williams
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