Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Kev Stait

Mahern Pill Foreshore

Tue 7th Jan 2020

Main sighting: Short Eared Owl

A Short Eared Owl late afternoon up for 5 mins before heading west towards Sudbrook.

Simon James Bedford

Ynys y fro reservoir

Mon 6th Jan 2020

Main sighting: Wild fowl

58 coot 6 pochard 14 tufted duck 4 little grebe 28 mallard 2 lbbgull 1 GBBGull 3 moorhen top res (bottom res 4 herring gull 2 snipe 1 grey heron 2 coot .3 cormorant and mixed flock of redwing and fieldfare heading north 80 plus

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 5th Jan 2020

Main sighting: Blair Jones

Priors Lagoon – Black Necked Grebe ( found by Tom Chinnick). 1 x female Pochard. Similar number of duck species to Saturday.

Nicholas Beswick

Dunlop Semtex Pond

Sun 5th Jan 2020

Main sighting: Kingfisher

Kingfisher and Grey Heron in the corner of the pond by the outflow. Also a flock of 16 Goosander

Diana Wilding

near old railway line above Govilon

Sun 5th Jan 2020

Main sighting: Leucistic Buzzard

Feeding on earthworms, pure white other than wing feathers.

Blair Jones

River Usk, near Olway Farm

Sat 4th Jan 2020

Main sighting: Blair Jones and Steve Doolan

1 x Smew ( Drake). Showed from a distance.

Blair Jones Nev Davies and Steve Doolan

Goldcliff Lagoon

Sat 4th Jan 2020

Main sighting: Glossy Ibis and Goldeneye

Priors was the busiest Lagoon. Glossy Ibis showed really well. Duck Species – Goldeneye , Wigeon, Mallard, Gadwall , Tufted Ducks,Shovelere,Shelduck and Teal. Other Wildfowl – Mute Swans, Coot, Little Grebe,Moorhen, Greylag and Canada Goose.
Others around the reserve- Peregrine, Kestrel, Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, Blackbirds, Blue Tit, Robin, Filedfare,Meadow Pipit,Stonechats, Woodpigeon, Collared Dove,Raven, Magpie and Carrion Crows. Waders- Curlew and Spotted Redshank(?).

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Point

Sat 4th Jan 2020

Main sighting: Turnstones

Sunrise at Goldcliff Point near the seawall and last set of groins. 43 x Turnstones, 10 x Curlew 3+ Oystercatches, 4 x Pied Wagtail, 6 x Shelduck, 6+ Starlings , 12 x Wigeon, 2 x Mallard, 5 x Lesser Black Backed Gull, 4 x Herring Gulls, 4 x Carrion Crow and 1 x Black Headed Gull.

Allan Dowson


Sat 4th Jan 2020

Main sighting: Smew

The male Smew showed well in the company of ten Goldeneyes 6f+4m,Also slightly further up river two Goosanders m+f. Seen from the same spot as previous sightings.10h15-12h30

Verity Picken


Fri 3rd Jan 2020

Main sighting: Bewicks & Whooper Swans

Bewick’s and Whooper Swan SIGHTINGS WANTED. The International Swan Census is taking place on 11th/12th January. So that we can ensure that all sites in Gwent are covered that weekend could you please send location details of any sightings of either species seen this winter (2019/2020) to . Sites for Mute Swan flocks would also be appreciated.

Mark Waldron


Fri 3rd Jan 2020

Main sighting: Spotted Redshank

Spotted Redshank roosting on Prior’s Lagoon where the Glossy Ibis was feeding.

Mark Waldron


Fri 3rd Jan 2020

Main sighting: Smew

Drake still present near the layby on the bend.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]