Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Simon James Bedford

Salt marsh Lane and foreshore

Thu 28th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Various

Merlin hunting 1000 strong starling murmuration over seawall .800 fieldfare and redwing in hedges .Marsh Harrier over meadow flock of 14 LT Tit and 20 plus Goldcrest .Pair of kestrel sitting together on washed up driftwood .40 plus curlew and 200 plus BHGull .and a male Blackcap

Roger Price

Peterstone SF

Thu 28th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Water Pipits

At the high tide : approx 12 Water Pipits, 20 Meadow Pipits, 8 Skylarks, 60 pied Wagtails, 10 Snipe, c.250 Dunlin,200 Curlew, 130 Wigeon, Stonechat, 1 Lgrt.

Iain Crawford


Tue 26th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Little egrets

4 little egrets, old railway bridge. Green woodpecker at old railway station, another in Mansons Lane. Raven at Drybridge Park and another in Osbaston

Iain Crawford

The Bryn, Abergavenny

Tue 26th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Peregrine falcon

At dusk, Juvenile peregrine, mistle thrush, 3 fieldfare, 6 collared doves, 40 jackdaws

Gavin Vella

Red Pools Nash

Mon 25th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Slavonian Grebe

Slav Grebe on 3rd pool, found by John Marsh this morning. x3 Female Goldeneye, Woodcock, x20 Snipe, Redshank, Sparrowhawk, Peregrine, x3 Cetti’s, Common Chiffchaff, Green Woodpecker, Kingfisher and x3 Little Egret amonst all the usuals.

Simon James Bedford

Magor Outfall

Mon 25th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Flocks

1000+ strong flock of mixed fieldfare and redwing behind seawall ..distant S.E.O towards 2nd Severn crossing Marsh Harrier female 500ish Woodpigeon .mippit 14 curlew 8 shelduck 60 plus mallard 200 bhgull and a peregrine hunting starling flocks as the light faded .3 little egret and 2 redshank .

Allan Dowson

goldcliff lagoons

Mon 25th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Avocet

22-Avocets on the tidal mud,a high count for this time of year.Also,58+Gadwall on priors,and the resident Peregrine on the first island eating its breakfast!! 10h00-12h00

martyn jones


Sun 24th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Jack Snipe

Jack Snipe flushed along with 4x Snipe from very flooded fields south of Marshfield. Also present 3x Little Egret, Peregrine and at least 6x Cetti’s W

Dan Webb and Andrew Strong

Goldcliff Lagoons/ Redbarn

Sat 23rd Nov 2019

Main sighting: Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis, 7 dunlin, c100 lapwing, 5 curlew, male stonechat, Cetti’s warbler, fem type marsh harrier, c140 fieldfares and c80 redwings at Redbarn Hide.
2 chiffchaffs in hedge, at least 12 blackbirds, 12 song thrushes, 40 fieldfares and redwings, 3 goldcrests, 20 long tailed tits, 1 Cetti’s warbler, 1 kestrel, adult tiercel peregrine, 6 grey plover, 19 avocets, 20 curlew, 12 redshank and 5 snipe the highlights

Allan Dowson

goldcliff lagoons

Thu 21st Nov 2019

Main sighting: Spotted Redshank

2-Spotted Redshanks on left bank of prior’s lagoon,4-Snipe and 1-Peregrine,15 to 20-Meadow Pipits.10h10-12h30.

Nicholas Beswick

Parc Bryn Bach

Tue 19th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Goosander

Total of 54 Goosander, only five male. About 700 Jackdaws over late afternoon

Ray Duggan

Cwmcarn Scenic Drive

Mon 18th Nov 2019

Main sighting: Goosander

Male and female goosander on the pond also kingfisher present. 2 buzzards circling the edge of Twmbarlwm

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]