Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Monica Dickinson

Bishton village

Sun 20th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Hoopoe

A hoopoe has been in my garden on & off for two days

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff lagoons

Sun 20th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Wood Sandpiper

WeBS count today. Further to the posting by Blair. Wood Sandpiper from the first hide. Also Avocet 2 Knot 6 (one in BP) Greenshank 1

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 19th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Little Stint and Curlew Sandpiper

Morning visit just after dawn – Monks Lagoon was busy with waders –
6 x Ruff, 1 x Common Sandpiper, 1 x Green Sandpiper,20 + Black Tailed Godwits, 10+ Redshank Mixed flock of 50+ Dunlin and Ringed Plover feeding on the mud – contained 2 x Turnstone, 1 x Curlew Sandpiper and 1 x Little Stint.
Large flock of 50+ Shoveler and Teal.
7 x Little Egrets, 1 x Marsh Harrier came in quite close to Hide 2.
Chiffchaff near Hide 1 . 6 x Mute Swans.
other 1 x Jersey. Tiger Moth

Mark Whitaker


Sat 19th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Marsh Tit

First on bird table for well over a year, usually regular in colder months but not last winter. Breeds locally (juvenile seen last year). Starlings (up to 30) and House Sparrows most numerous table users at present.

Allan Dowson


Sun 13th Aug 2023

Main sighting: tufted duck

Fairly quiet this morning.1-Ruff in with a small 25+flock of Lapwings,1-Bittern flying between reed beds.Also a family group of eight well grown Tufted Ducklings with their mother on the small lagoon alongside the fence between the sea wall view point and sea wall hide.

Nicholas Beswick

Mynydd Llangatwg

Thu 10th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Hobby

Hobby made a low level pass over the moor, then soared and circled. Three Whinchats, two Tree Pipits but only one Wheatear.

Graham Agg

The Narth

Thu 10th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Hobby

Hobby over The Narth once more at 11.30 this morning among Hirundines.

Allan Dowson


Tue 8th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Bittern

Good numbers of waders from the first two hides this morning,especially Dunlins and Ringed Plovers.Also 1-Greenshank,1-Ruff,1-Spoonbill,1-Snipe,1-Whinchat and a Bittern which must have been unnoticed between the second hide and the waters edge flew up and around before coming to land to the left of the sea wall hide.11h10-12h50

Mr Graham Agg

The Narth

Mon 7th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Hobby

Hobby patrolling over The Narth this morning.

iain crawford

Mynydd Garn Wen, Pontypool

Sun 6th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Stock doves

8 stock doves, 1 buzzard, numerous meadow pipits and goldfinches

Chris Le Clare

White Castle

Fri 4th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Spotted Flycatcher

Single bird seen on edge of grounds long with goldfinches, blue tits, a greenfinch, 5 linnets, 1 song thrush and two chaffinches.

Chris Dyson


Fri 4th Aug 2023

Main sighting: Green Sandpiper

1 juvenile Green Sandpiper, a juvenile Cuckoo was seen being fed by a Reed Warbler, other warblers in the hedges included a couple of Lesser Whitethroats and Whitethroats and 1 Willow Warbler. Several Shrill Carder Bees in the parking area at Redhouse Barns, around various pea flowers, was nice.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]