Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


iain crawford

Grwyne Fawr valley

Sun 9th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Serins

M and F serin seen above Grwyne Fawr river at SO282242, (track south of Cadwgan CP) both birds then flew west over the river into Powys.

iain crawford

River Usk, Llanellen to Llanfihangel Gobion

Fri 7th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Waders

2 oystercatchers, 2 common sandpipers, green sandpiper. Great spotted woodpecker, 2 green woodpeckers, 5 willow warblers, 8 chiffchaff, mistle thrush, 2 song thrush, 2 collared dove, 10 goldfinch, 3 long tailed tits, m and f mandarin, 10 canada geese, 2 grey heron, 8 buzzards, red kite, 4m 4f goosander, raven, coot, moorhen, 40 sand martins, cormorant, yellow-legged gull

Chris Dyson

Black Mountains

Fri 7th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Firecrest

Another walk on the southern edge of the Black Mountains. Not many summer visitors yet, 3 male Redstarts in about 4 hours, 3 Willow Warblers all in one patch of birches. Best bird by far though was a singing Firecrest moving along the top edge of a wood at 350m. I’ve found Firecrests at 5 sites in north Monmouthshire (N of the A40) since 2011 but this is the first in the Black Mountains. At a couple of sites they persisted for 2 or 3 years, but on the whole seem to be transient.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 7th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Common sandpiper

Dawn – mid morning visit. En-route to hides – pheasants, robins, blackbirds, crows, wrens and blue tits. Hide one – greylag geese, cettis calling, moorhens, 3 chiffchaffs, mallards, 30 avocet, 12 shelduck, 24 shoveler, 31 teal, 2 pairs lapwing, 1 pair wigeon only, 4 pairs gadwall, lesser black-backed gulls, 2 blackcaps and 1 willow warbler in song along he hedge to hide 2. Hide two – woodpigeons, 1 curlew overhead, skylarks, 7 coot. Snipe platform – 5 cormorants, 7 mute swans, pair of knot over, kestrel, 2 males and 1 fem tufteds. Seawall – 82 curlew on the last of the exposed saltings and jackdaws. Hide three – 3 swallows, 7 redshanks, 48 shelduck, 7 more shoveler and 2 more gadwall, 4 more avocet, meadow pipits, 5 little egrets, 3 herons, pair reed buntings, stock dove, black headed gull and fem marsh harrier. Back at hide 1 mid-morning – 1 common sandpiper feeding along the edge of the island, 5 ringed plovers, dunnock, 2 spotted redshanks (right hand corner) and a red kite being mobbed by crows and a raven.

Hadyn L Jones

Magor Marsh

Thu 6th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Willow Warbler

A fall of Willow Warblers today.
2 singing at Magor Marsh and 1 calling at Lower Minnetts. Pair of Stonechats also at the Marsh.

Jackie Pointon


Wed 5th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Swifts

An Urgent Appeal regarding the Swift Brick Petition.
The swift brick petition to the UK government has so far gained more than 82 000 signatures. Reaching 100 000 signatures would trigger a debate in parliament, but the petition closes on 30th April 2023.
This link will take you to UK government website where you read more specific information about the petition (and sign it).

Make swift bricks compulsory in new housing to help red-listed birds – Petitions (

For those who wish to sign it could you please take action before the closing date. It would be wonderful to get this cheap, simple and practical way of addressing the decline in our breeding birds debated in parliament.
The petition is not limited to birdwatchers so please share it with any like-minded people.
Jackie Pointon

Allan Dowson


Tue 4th Apr 2023

Main sighting: Garganey

2-Garganey m+f showing well from the first hide,also 35-Avocets on the tide line,1-LRP on the first island.No sign of the Spotted Redshank.11h30-13h00.

John Lawton


Mon 3rd Apr 2023

Main sighting: Red Kite

Amendment to previous post, bad typing or over efficient spell checker ended up posting Red Mite, should of course read Red Kite, other details are as posted.

John Lawton


Mon 3rd Apr 2023

Main sighting: Red Mite

One over Caerleon Road heading in the direction of Llandegfedd , seen as I passed through Ponthir.

Graham Agg

The Narth

Mon 3rd Apr 2023

Main sighting: Blackcap

Blackcap singing and seen on edge of Manor Wood in The Narth.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Magor Marsh Reserve

Sun 2nd Apr 2023

Main sighting: Wheatear

Wheatear 2 Grey Heron 8 Little Egret 11 Lapwing 6 Grebe 1 Chiffchaff 6 Blackcap 1 Reed Bunting 2 Green Woodpecker 1

Hadyn L Jones

West Pill

Sun 2nd Apr 2023

Main sighting: Wheatear

3 Wheatears,2 male,1 female plus 1 female Stonechat on rocks at West Pill. Also 2 Oystercarchers surveying the area further west.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]