Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Neville Davies

Abertwysswg, Rhymney

Mon 20th May 2024

Main sighting: House Martins

Several pairs breeding under the eaves of the taller houses.

Chris Le Clare


Sun 19th May 2024

Main sighting: Yellow Wagtail

Single male bird seen near field edge directly to the east of Ysgyryd Fach

tony & jan jenkins

st arvans

Sun 19th May 2024

Main sighting: red kite

red kite spotted high and heading west at midday

Mark Whitaker

Trellech Wood

Sun 19th May 2024

Main sighting: Wood Warbler

Update – three singing males plus two other silent birds (probably females) seen with one of the males so numbers at least as good as last year. Heard a Nightjar chur for 2 seconds on Beacon Hill – first time I’ve heard this in daytime. Also Redstart singing on edge of the heath there plus species previously reported.

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 18th May 2024

Main sighting: Cuckoo's

En-route to hides: chiffchaffs, magpie, crows, chaffinch, pheasant, blackbirds, wrens, whitethroat, moorhen, cettis, goldfinches, lesser whitethroat, collard dove, buzzard with small bird in its talons and 6 cormorants in a skein. Hide one – skylarks, Canada geese and greylags (with young), 3 oystercatchers, coot, 6 redshanks, 13 gadwall, 12 avocet, gt tit, 2 shoveler, 4 lapwing, 3 lt egrets, mallards (pair with 7 young), jackdaws, meadow pipits, 2 ringed plovers, 3 swallows, 2 herons, 4 shelduck, ls black-backed gull, 18 black-tailed godwits, stonechat and 2 gt white egrets. Hide two – reed warbler and a female cuckoo chased by2 male cuckoos. Snipe platform – 14 swans, 4 pairs lt grebes, 2 more singing reed warblers, reed bunting, 2 black headed gulls, 5 males and 2 female tufted ducks. Hide three – pair ringed plovers on the island with 2 chicks, pair pintail, pair wigeon, pair of teal, 2 swifts and fem marsh harrier. Seawall – 7 dunlin only.

David Hathaway

Crumlands farm

Sat 18th May 2024

Main sighting: Yellow Wagtail

Yellow wagtail/gold crest/many skylarks/possible wood warblers/
Willow warbler/Tawney Owl.

V Andrews


Sat 18th May 2024

Main sighting: Red kite

Red kite circling above my house at 10am. Celtic Horizon estate near Tredegar Park.

Chris Hatch


Fri 17th May 2024

Main sighting: Great White Egret

Great White Egret, together with 4 Little Egrets, 4 Grey Herons and 3 Gadwall. Also present-nesting Coots, plus young Coot on water, 2 Little Grebes, 4 Moorhens, 8 Shelduck and 50+ Mallard.

Gillian Johnson

Bassaleg Road, Newport

Thu 16th May 2024

Main sighting: Two red kites

Two red kites circling high above the Spar shop on Bassaleg Rd, Newport at 16.50 today. Only the second time I’ve seen a red kite in Newport. The first time was up at the Ridgeway during lockdown.

tony jenkins


Sun 12th May 2024

Main sighting: swifts

First 2 swifts over monnow bridge, a full week late this year, also a small passage of house martins yesterday before the storms over st arvans.

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 11th May 2024

Main sighting: Garganey

En-route to hides – collard dove, linnets, pheasant, wren, blackcap, woodpigeons, blackbirds, whitethroat, crows, moorhen, cettis calling, chiffchaffs, heron, blue tits, jackdaws, mallards and dunnock. Hide one – pair of garganey were the highlight of the visit, greylags (with goslings), 5 shelduck, 16 avocet, meadow pipits, stonechat (male only), skylarks, 2 knot in breeding plumage, 1 bar-tailed and 64 black-tailed godwits, coot, 2 lt egrets, Canada geese, 10 redshanks, herring gull, 2 gadwall, 3 dunlin, gt tit, 4 lapwing, pied wagtail, gt black-backed gull, 3 sand martins, 2 shoveler, 5 swallows, cormorant, 2 ringed plovers and 1 lt ringed plover. Goldfinches, ls black-backed gulls and reed warbler singing en-route to platform. Snipe platform – 32 mute swans )my highest count here), 2 pairs lt grebes, 1 black-headed gull, 5 males and 2 female tufted ducks. Seawall – single whimbrel only. Hide three – 2 oystercatchers, 3 more singing reed warblers, 24 more avocet, 4 more shoveler, wigeon pair, pintail pair, reed bunting and a buzzard. Other: orange tip butterflies and hairy dragonfly.

Graham Agg

The Narth

Thu 9th May 2024

Main sighting: Swifts

Swifts heard but not seen mid afternoon, previously seen by neighbor high over head on 7th May.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]