Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Neville Davies

Cascade allotments, Cascade.

Wed 12th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Redwings

Group of 14 redwings flying around.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 12th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Spoonbill

Morning visit – robin, crows, blackbirds, wren, cettis, herring gulls, 48 mallards and moorhens. Snipe platform – spoonbill feeding and showing well, did take off at 0930 over the Point but cane back in about 10 minutes later, 11 lt egrets, 367 black-tailed godwits and 6 knot mixed in, teal, 5 snipe, shoveler, 15 redshanks, kingfisher going past, 2 kestrels, linnets, 77 meadow pipits, 2 herons, water rail squealing, grey phalarope showing well, 62 lapwing, 2 cygnets, starlings, jackdaws, 1st year great black-backed gull, magpies, 2 chiffchaffs and chaffinch. Marsh platform – 62 dunlin, pied wagtails, 7 skylarks, woodpigeons, 2 cormorants and a female stonechat. Seawall – oystercather, 52 curlew adult gt black-backed gull and 2 swallows. Male pheasant, blue tits and gt spotted woodpecker.

Gareth Jenkins


Mon 10th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Grey Phalarope

The Grey Phalarope was showing well today at mid-day, from the Marsh viewing platform. It looked very settled spinning on the water and feeding. Also Southern and Migrant Hawkers along the rheen and Common Darter everywhere.

tony jenkins

Monnow bridge

Sat 8th Oct 2022

Main sighting: little egrets

2 egrets fishing just below Monnow bridge at 0730 hrs, also small passage of house martins over st arvans on Saturday and Sunday @ 15 birds both days

Jane Daniels

Viewpoint car park, Christchurch, Newport

Sat 8th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Ring-knecked parakeet

I ring-knecked parakeet heard and observed flying between trees from 2.00 pm – 5.45 pm when I arrived at and left the car park.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 8th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Spotted Redshank

Snipe platform – 2 kestrels, robin, crows, herring gulls, mallards, grey phalarope showing well, 5 little egrets, water rail (seen and heard), moorhens, 2 pairs stonechats in the reeds, 6 grey plover on the mud, pied wagtails, 80 black-tailed godwits had a spotted redshank mixed in, all took off and flew high at 0755, 43 redshanks, chaffinch, meadow pipits, cettis warbler, raven, 65 lapwing, wren, male phesant, woodpigeons, magpies. Marsh platofrm – shoveler, teal, 2 ringed plovers, 1 heron, chiffchaff in the reeds, 16 skylarks over calling. Seawall – 15 curlew only, good mix of waders on the waters edge included 2 knot, 1 bar-tailed godwit, oystercatchers, 103 dunlin and 46 grey plovers. Wheatear in the grass by the gate, 1 gt black-backed gull, black headed gulls and a siskin over calling. Back at snipe platform – 62 house martins feeding and 5 swallows mixed in, 2 snipe. Hedge line down to hide – 2 goldcrests, 5 chiffchaffs, dunnock, blue tits. Hide 1 – male marsh harrier and 11 greylags passing. Green woodpecker, starlings and jackdaws by the entrance.

Adrian Edwards

Kingfisher ponds, Llantarnam

Thu 6th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Kingfisher

Not much else, but KF was where it should be 😉

Kevin Dupé

Newport Wetlands

Wed 5th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Avian Flu

4 mute swans have died in recent weeks in the reedbeds at Uskmouth, Newport Wetlands. Two were collected last Thursday, 29th September by DEFRA for testing for Avian Flu. The results may take up to 2 weeks.
Please keep an eye out for dead birds. You should call the Defra helpline (03459 33 55 77) if you find:
one or more dead bird of prey or owl;
3 or more dead gulls or wild waterfowl (swans, geese and ducks);
5 or more dead birds of any species.
Do not touch or pick up any dead or visibly sick wild birds that you find. Please also notify NRW by calling 0300 065 3000.
For further information please visit the Welsh Government website:

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Tue 4th Oct 2022

Main sighting: Shelduck

At least 772-Shelducks on the foreshore,also 4-Grey Plovers and 73+Oystercatchers.12h00-12h45.

Keith Roylance

NWR Goldcliff

Sun 2nd Oct 2022

Main sighting: Grey Phalarope

Grey Phalarope from Snipe Platform. Also Marsh Harrier

Tadhg Burrell

Llandegfedd Reservoir

Sat 1st Oct 2022

Main sighting: House Martin & Cormorants

Long walk from the dam to the north end of the reservoir. Lots of mallards together with 50+ Canada geese and a single male tufted duck, 2 ravens, single juvenile house martin, at least 15-20 cormorants with many juveniles and adults present, 2 pied wagtail. The water level in the reservoir is still extremely low and, through my binoculars, the hides appeared to be quite a distance from the water and any birds.

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards

The British, Abersychan

Thu 29th Sep 2022

Main sighting: red grouse

Moors above the British – 6 red grouse; also skylarks, meadow pipits, linnets and stonechats

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]