Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 10th Sep 2022

Main sighting: Kingfisher

0600 – 1000hrs, 40 species, highlights including 6 little egrets flying towards Magor (12 more from snipe platform), pheasant, 2 chiffchaffs (contact calls), kingfisher calling from the pond over the hedge line later flew across the reserve and a female sparrowhawk. Snipe platform – cettis calling, gadwall, 22 wigeon, 44 knot with 3 curlew sandpipers mixed in, 4 dunlin, 3 bar-tailed godwits, 2 herons, 2 ringed plovers, 1 greenshank, 5 redshank, shoveler, teal, 2 avocet and 13 curlew that flew in at 0637 then straight back out over the sea wall. Marsh platform – 244 black-tailed godwits, 2 ruff, 18 redshank, 5 more knot, 3 more roosting bar-tailed godwits, 4 snipe, 1 gey plover, 2 sand martins over with 19 swallows only. Hide three – female wheatear, another grey plover, reed bunting (fem), 2 kestrels and reed warbler. Seawall – 2 1st year great black-backed gulls, good count of 117 curlew in the grass/saltings and shelduck.

Brian O’Rahilly

As walking at the back of the pylons flying into a tree .

Sat 10th Sep 2022

Main sighting: Marsh harrier

Marsh harrier , Herron , long tailed tits .

iain crawford

Monmouth bridge

Sat 10th Sep 2022

Main sighting: Little egrets

3 little egrets by sports pavilion 8am

Ed Wang

Goldcliff Pools

Fri 9th Sep 2022

Main sighting: Whinchat

2 Whinchat to left of first hide. I Ruff from Snipe hide, amongst 22 Knot and good numbers of Black-tailed Godwit

Ed Stevens, Chris and Theresa Stone

Black Rock

Fri 9th Sep 2022

Main sighting: Redstart

This afternoon sea wall just east of Black Rock At least 5 redstart, 2+ males 3+ female/juvenile. At least 3 spotted flycatcher, 2 whinchat, 1 garden warbler. 1 clouded yellow butterfly.

John Lawton

Goldcliff Pools

Wed 7th Sep 2022

Main sighting: Wigeon

A flock of 22 Wigeon in front of Snipe platform at 12:30. A pair of Ruff in front of Marsh platform plus usual large number of Blackwits dispersed in smaller flocks on both sides of the central reed bed on Prior’s. 8 Knot. Whinchats and Stonechats on the fence and vegetation in front of the first hide.

Kevin Richard Dupe

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 7th Sep 2022

Main sighting: Disturbance at Goldcliff Lagoons

There will be some disturbance at Goldcliff Lagoons on Wednesday 7th September, when we cut vegetation on Monks’ and Bec’s islands. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

John O'Sullivan


Sat 3rd Sep 2022

Main sighting: Passage Waders

2-4pm. Main sightings 8 Curlew Sandpiper and 3 ruff and juv little stint back of Priors.

A surprisingly stout bird with wings visible behind tail. For much of the time did not show obvious tramlines. Saw it fly and wings not unusually long. Don’t know if this was the same bird as yesterday but myself and another birder saw it in excellent light and could go to full magnification on our telescopes whilst maintaining clear image.

Neville Davies

Lysaught buildings, southern distributor road, Newport.

Sat 3rd Sep 2022

Main sighting: Barn owl

0601hrs, barn owl flying over the road and over the Lysaught building.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 3rd Sep 2022

Main sighting: Great White Egret

0600 – 12noon visit, 57 species. Snipe platform – 3 kestrels, 3 chiffchaffs (contact calls), cettis, 9 lapwing, 12 little egrets, 215 black-tailed godwits, 2 ruff, gadwall, shoveler, teal, 5 mute swans, 2 house martins, 9 redshanks, gt white egret over at 0602 heading towards seawall tea rooms direction, 1 lt stint, female sparrowhawk, 6 wigeon, steady passage of sand martins (at least 145 birds), 2 yellow wagtails, green woodpecker calling, 18 swallows, 3 snipe, 2 curlew, 176 black headed gulls, reed warbler, 4 bar-tailed godwits in lovely plumage, 3 pintail came in and left straight away heading over the seawall and green sandpiper seen twice in flight. Hide three – female garganey, pair stonechats, female peregrine and a turnstone. Seawall – 54 ringed plover with 46 dunlin, 3 oystercatchers, 3 curlew, 1 grey plover and 128 shelduck. Back at Snipe platform – 12 knot, 1 ringed plover, curlew sandpipers now at 4 birds (3 feeding together) and 1 on its own, 2 avocet and a stock dove over. Hide one – 5 whinchat and 4 stonechats along the fence to the right of the hide.

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards

Peterstone Seawall

Sat 3rd Sep 2022

Main sighting: Clouded yellow butterfly

Clouded yellow, painted lady and small copper between Peterstone and St Brides. Common sandpipers 3, turnstones 33, dunlin & ringed plover (flock of 200 combined), oystercatchers 25, curlew 2, redshanks, F pintails, teal, mallard, shelduck; M kestrel; F sparrowhawk; many herons; BHGs; whitethroat; wheatears on the wall.

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 2nd Sep 2022

Main sighting: Baird'sandpiper

Further to the posting by Chris Foster Brown. We saw the bird late evening. At fiest the sunlight was too bright to see much detail however even them the very long primary projection was evident. Later we had better views although at a distance of 250 metres. We agree with Chris that it looks good for Baird’s. Black legs, dark upper breast, gleaming white underparts even white scalloping to upper sides. Beak dark medium small. Head marking difficult at this range.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]