Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Ryan Oliver

Goldcliffe Lagoons

Wed 8th May 2024

Main sighting: Lapwing

My first visit to Goldcliffe. Visited all hides and platforms. Birds seen avocet, coot, Canada goose, greylag goose, lapwing, tufted duck, grey heron, mallard duck, little egret, cormorant and oystercatcher. A few other birds seen that I could not identify, maybe next time

Mark Whitaker

Beacon Hill, Trellech

Tue 7th May 2024

Main sighting: Tree Pipit

At least one male singing/displaying another probably different bird seen on the ground, also 4 singing Garden Warblers, 2 singing Whitethroats, Linnet song heard, 1 male Stonechat, at least 1 singing Firecrest nearby. Merlin said there was a Skylark but there definitely wasn’t.

Mark Whitaker

Trellech Woods

Tue 7th May 2024

Main sighting: Wood Warbler

2 birds calling close together where there were 3 singing males last year. Brief trilling song heard – so at least one a male.

Mike and Jackie Pointon


Tue 7th May 2024

Main sighting: Garden Warbler

A Garden Warbler heard and seen trees by the river. Sand Martin 20, not seen entering the newly installed nest boxes on the retaining wall.


South of Devauden

Mon 6th May 2024

Main sighting: Woodcock

Woodcock Roding; Nightjar churring (1); Snipe drumming (1); Tawny Owls calling (two males, one female).

Neville James

Ystrad Mynach

Mon 6th May 2024

Main sighting: Late Swift sighting

Late sighting record for May 1st around 16.45 hrs, single Swift over Ystrad Mynach. Also, May 4th around 10.45 hrs, Tawny Owl calling three times form a garden in Machen.

Mark Whitaker

Hoaldalbert near Grosmont

Mon 6th May 2024

Main sighting: Tree Pipit

Singing and displaying near lane, also Grey Wagtail on house roof, Linnet song and House Martins and Swallows finally present in numbers around breeding sites.

Andy Smith

Tumble, Blorange Mnt

Mon 6th May 2024

Main sighting: Cuckoo

A quick evening walk. 2 mail cuckoos first I’ve seen this year. Good numbers of linnets and meadow pipits and stonechats 1 kestrel and buzzard.

Chris Dyson

Deri, Abergavenny

Mon 6th May 2024

Main sighting: Pied Flycatcher

6 (5 male) Pied Flycatcher in the oak woods (pair prospecting nest hole) and similar number Redstart this afternoon (no Wood Warbler though perhaps too late in the day), Treecreeper nest building. On the open hill / ffridd, 2 male Whinchat and good numbers (well into double figures) of Tree Pipit, Skylark, Wiillow Warbler, Stonechat, Meadow Pipit. A few Linnet, 1 Yellowhammer, 1 Reed Bunting, 1 Whitethroat, 2 Cuckoo. Woodland edge: 3 Garden Warblers, 1 Redpoll.

Ruth Brown

St Mary's Vale and Rholben, Abergavenny

Sun 5th May 2024

Main sighting: Wood Warbler

Several territories of Wood Warbler, Tawny Owl, numerous Tree Creepers, Song Thrush and Mistle, many Gt Spotted Woodpeckers. Far too many Squirrels, and surprisingly 2 Roe Deer. On the Rholben ridge, Cuckoo, Willow Warbler, Common Redstart, Skylark, Tree Pipit. I used to see Yellowhammer here.

Marcus Doolan


Sun 5th May 2024

Main sighting: Grasshopper Warbler

Pair of Cuckoos and a pair of Grasshopper Warblers seen in the area above Garn Lakes over a 2 hr period early this morning.
Other sightings included: Willow Warbler, Wheatear, Chiffchaff, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Jackdaw, Woodpigeon, Crow, Magpie, Raven, Blackbird, Goldfinch, Canada Goose, Swallow, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Wren, Herring Gull, Robin, Stonechat, Starling, Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, Grey Heron.

Mark Whitaker


Sat 4th May 2024

Main sighting: Swift

3 birds – first in the village this year. A few Swallows but haven’t seen a House Martin yet. Lesser Whitethroat singing about 2 miles SW of village a couple of days ago.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]