Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Lee Parsons


Wed 4th May 2022

Main sighting: Cuckoo

Cuckoo heard 5:10am.

tony & jan jenkins


Tue 3rd May 2022

Main sighting: cuckoo

Cuckoo calling late afternoon near Devauden

Mike and Jackie Pointon

Lower Machen

Mon 2nd May 2022

Main sighting: Hawfinch

A Hawfinch sat out in the open for a short while. In Machen we saw 12 Sand Martins gathering dried grass as nesting material, not seen this behaviour before.


Chapel Road Goldcliff

Mon 2nd May 2022

Main sighting: 18 Swallows

Perched on the solar farm fence surround.

Ben Jones

Llanfosit, Abergavenny.

Sun 1st May 2022

Main sighting: Transitory swallows

Several hundred high flying swallows passing overhead heading due North.

David Hathaway


Sun 1st May 2022

Main sighting: Cuckoo

Cuckoo calling early this morning close to village,then flew over my house calling,flew off towards Devauden

Allan Dowson


Sat 30th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Greenshank

2-Greenshanks from sea wall hide,1-Common Sandpiper,2-Avocets,2-LRP’S,1m-Marsh Harrier.There was a Fox on the island in front of the sea wall hide,the whole time i was there.
Also at Boat Lane singing Sedge,Garden,Willow and Reed Warblers.10h00-12h30.

Nicholas Beswick

Hafod Farm Brynmawr

Fri 29th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Brambling

One female Brambling after a gap since Monday. Pair Lesser Redpolls. Jay a surprise visitor for the time of year.

Iain Crawford

River Usk Pantygoetre to Llanover

Fri 29th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Waders

Snipe, 2 oystercatcher, 2 little ringed plovers, a common sandpiper, 7 little egrets, 5 grey herons, 6 goosanders, 2 goldfinch, 2 ltt, a red kite, 6 buzzards, 3 stock doves, wren, song thrush, 2 grey wagtails, 2, ravens, 2 blackcap 2 swallows

Hadyn Jones

Collister Saltmarsh

Thu 28th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Dotterel

Dotterel in breeding plumage on the saltmarsh at Collister.Probable
female as quite black underneath.

Simon James Bedford

Usk Town Waters

Thu 28th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Hirundines

If you are wondering whete your spring migrants are , as in the noteable lack of Swallows and Martins etc there were over 200 on the town waters this evening .

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 27th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Pochard

4 chiffchaffs, 2 pheasants, 2 blackcaps, pair of common whitethroats and cettis. Hide one – 10 redshanks, 1 lt ringed plover, 5 ravens, 1 fly-over whimbrel, 3 lapwing, 3 herons. Redshank platform – 3 greenshanks feeding together, 9 gadwall, 1 ringed plover, lesser whitethroat calling, 17 shelduck, 2 lt egrets, 2 fly-past stock doves, 29 teal, reed warbler singing, single black-tailed godwit, 2 buzzards, pair of linnets and 2 swallows. Snipe platform – 12 mute swans and a male little grebe. Seawall – wheatear around the manure pile area, 6 more swallows, 4 whimbrel feeding with 3 bar-tailed godwits all together just over the seawall itself. Hide three – 2 avocet, a further 40 black-tailed godwits, 12 shoveler, a very pale female type mallard, 26 more shelduck, kestrel, male common pochard, 1 cormorant, 1 fly over curlew, reed bunting and a pair of oystercatchers. Back at hide 1 at 16.30hrs, 101 dunlin present prior to high tide.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]