Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Verity Picken


Sat 4th May 2024

Main sighting: Spotted Flycatcher

Spotted Flycatcher in the garden this morning – my first of the year. Such a joy to have them back.

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff lagoons

Fri 3rd May 2024

Main sighting: Great White Egret

First hide visited only. En-route to hide – chiffchaffs, pheasant, collard dove, gt spotted woodpecker, 9 swallows, raven, reed warbler singing and lesser whitethroat. Hide – skylarks, Canada goose (goslings seen), mallards, 16 avocet, 3 oystercatchers, ls black-backed gulls harassing the avocets, coot, 8 male and 1 female teal, 6 gadwall, herring gulls, 8 redshanks, 2 lapwing, 1 shelduck, 231 black-tailed godwits, 2 lt egrets, greylags, linnets, magpie, blackbird, blackcap, fem marsh harrier, 5 mute swans, meadow pipits, pair stonechats, woodpigeons, moorhen, jackdaw, 5 sand martins and a buzzard.

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Fri 3rd May 2024

Main sighting: Whimbrel

11-Whimbrels and 3-Turnstones in BP.Otherwise pretty quiet.14h30-15h15

Chris Le Clare


Thu 2nd May 2024

Main sighting: Swift

Two birds seen overhead whist driving along dual carriageway towards Risca .

Neville James Davies

Ystrad Mynach

Wed 1st May 2024

Main sighting: Late Swift sighting entry

Late entry sighting for May 1st – single Swift over Ystrad Mynach around 1645 hrs. Also, Machen on May 4th, Tawny Owl calling around 1045hrs.

Bob Potter

Collister Pill area

Wed 1st May 2024

Main sighting: Whimbrel

Whimbrel 8; Little Egret; Shelduck 40; Greylag Geese 2; Cetti’s Warbler; Reed Warbler; Sedge Warbler; Lesser Whitethroat; Common Whitethroat; Swallow 5; Sand Martin 2; Wheatear 2; Song Thrush; Blackcap; Linnets; Goldfinches; Chaffinch; Chiffchaffs; Skylarks; Wrens; Dunnock; Robins; Blackbirds; Long Tailed Tit; Pheasant; Woodpigeons, Carrion Crows; LBB Gull; Magpie; Mallard.

Roger Ruston

Monmouth, Wye bank

Wed 1st May 2024

Main sighting: Cetti's Warbler

Heard and seen at midday on 1 May, a singing Cetti’s Warbler in vegetation on the bank of the Wye near Monmouth boathouse. First discovered by Hugo Perks who lives close by.

Graham Agg

Trellech Common woods

Tue 30th Apr 2024

Main sighting: Wood warbler

Wood Warbler calling + Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler.

Chris Le Clare

Cleddon Bog

Sun 28th Apr 2024

Main sighting: Firecrest

Singing bird heard (then seen) from mixed belt of trees along roadside, at edge of reserve. Third firecrest found this spring in different parts of Gwent, a species appearing to be spreading rapidly.

Chris Le Clare

Broad Meend heath

Sun 28th Apr 2024

Main sighting: Lesser Redpoll

Single bird heard calling (in flight) several times during walk around the heath. Also the usual singing male tree pipits (3) willow warblers (6) with several linnets and siskins present.

Neville James Davies


Sat 27th Apr 2024

Main sighting: Juvenile robins

2 juvenile robins in a Machen garden.

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff lagoons

Sat 27th Apr 2024

Main sighting: Wader mix and cuckoo

First two hides visited only due to heavy showers. En-route to hides – pheasants, blackbirds, blackcaps, woodpigeons, wren, chiffchaffs, magpie, lt egret, 2 cettis, linnets, whitethroat, goldfinches, song thrush, starlings, blue tits and moorhens. Hide one (very productive) – 83 dunlin most showing the black bellies, 17 redshanks, 8 avocet, 33 shelduck, 10 gadwall, 301 black-tailed godwits and the single bar-tailed with them, 6 lapwing, Canada geese, greylags, ls black-backed gulls, 5 oystercatchers, 1 lt ringed plover, skylarks, 2 mite swans, 2 more lt egrets, 12 shoveler, 1 heron, mallards, stonechat pair, 1 cormorant, 5 males and 1 female tufted, pair of teal and a single male, 2 swallows, 6 ringed plovers, crows, 1 greenshank, 1 ruff and jackdaws. Hide two – sedge warbler in the brambles, drake pintail, fem marsh harrier and great white egret. En-route back to hide one – 2 stock doves, cuckoo calling from along the hedge line leading back up to hide 2.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]