Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Adrian Myram

Newport Wetlands

Sat 9th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Possible Merlin

Seen by the lighthouse sweeping low and fast across the salt marsh in pursuit of a bird and then landed before flying up high and away over the reedbeds. Clear view of face on the ground and no cheeks to rule out hobby and peregrine. Very distinctive small falcon shape in flight and darker coloured rather than chestnut and hunting behaviour suggested merlin rather than kestrel. Also pair of Marsh Harriers over the reedbeds and good numbers of Cetti Warblers.

Neville Davies

Red Barn Pool

Fri 8th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Possible osprey

Possible osprey high up heading towards direction of Penarth / Lavernock. Could not quite get a positive ID though due to the height and distance (approx 1450hrs). Other highlights: 3 swallows aerial feeding over the pool, 1 chiffchaff, rooks, 1 blackcap, 14 teal, 13 shelduck, 2 little egrets, 2 grey herons, 2 mute swans, 2 cormorants, 3 lapwing (pair chasing off a female marsh harrier), 2 gadwall, 1 cettis calling, buzzard, single redshank and a distant pheasant calling.

Theresa Stone


Wed 6th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Gannets

Three birds(adults) found approx 1.30pm still present at least 5pm sometimes sat on water

Mike Caiden

Mynydd Maen

Mon 4th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Osprey

Osprey flew north lowish over Mynydd Maen at 11:25 am.

Christopher and Julie West

Oxbow, river Usk.

Mon 4th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Mandarin

Pair of mandarin ducks.

Simon James Bedford


Mon 4th Apr 2022

Main sighting: Swallow

Single bird flying North ovwr Village .

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sun 3rd Apr 2022

Main sighting: Waders and Wheatear

HT visit just after dawn. Becs was the busiest lagoon again.
The big Black Tailed Godwit flock was on the far side of the island. 1 x Ruff seen and at least 3 x Dunlin. Large numbers of redshank and 12 x Avocet.
Wheatear was showing well on the Seawall hide path and seawall.
Kestrel was hunting near Hide 1.
Blackcaps and Chiff Chaffs calling near car park.

Allan Dowson

Peterstone Gout

Sun 3rd Apr 2022

Main sighting: Glossy Ibis

1-Glossy Ibis flew over the Gout from a westerly direction before flying east towards Newport.09h30.

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 2nd Apr 2022

Main sighting: Waders

Becs Lagoon viewed from the Seawall was the busiest of the lagoons at high tide.
500+ Black Tailed Godwits. 2 x Grey Plovers, 1 x Knot ( when reviewing flock shots). 20+ Curlews and 12 x Avocet. Lots of Redshanks now throughout the reserve.
Kestrel , Buzzard and Marsh Harrier were the raptors seen.

Neville Davies

Magor Marsh

Sat 2nd Apr 2022

Main sighting: Sparrowhawks

Leading a guided walk with 41 species seen highlights included 2 cettis, 1 blackcap, 3 chiffchaffs, gadwall, little grebe, teal, little egret (pair nesting), grey herons (2 pairs nesting), buzzard, male kestrel, goldcrest and 3 sparrowhawks.

Peter O'Duffy


Fri 1st Apr 2022

Main sighting: Swallow

3 Swallows flying upstream at 1300 hrs.

Graham Agg


Fri 1st Apr 2022

Main sighting: Sand Martin

Sand Martins over river bridge at Usk.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]