Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Ed Stevens

Black rock

Tue 4th Jan 2022

Main sighting: Barn owls

2 hunting barn owls over salt marsh east of black rock at dusk

tony & jan jenkins

goldcliff lagoons

Sat 1st Jan 2022

Main sighting: marsh harrier

After a quiet start the sun made a brief appearance which woke up a kestral, female peregrine on the seawall, female marsh harrier quartering the seawall from the Wetlands, good views of the pale phase buzzard at the red barn area, a couple of pairs of stonechat, cettis and 3 little egrets in nearby field.
Later at the Bryn Oxbow, red kite, 2 female goosander, 2 grey herons and single egret coming to roost.

Bernie Jones

Newport Wetlands

Sat 1st Jan 2022

Main sighting: Bittern

Bittern seen at 10-20 from path between RSPB centre and Lighthouse overflying reeds and dropping down out of sight
Other birds seen include 2 x Curlew
Cormorant Chaffinch and male Pheasant

Nice start to new year – happy new year to all

Lee Parsons


Sat 1st Jan 2022

Main sighting: Crossbill

4 Crossbill flying over.

Neville James Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Fri 31st Dec 2021

Main sighting: Brent Goose

Water levels still way too high with no areas for waders, only two wader species seen on the lagoons therefore was a single Redshank and Common Snipe. Hide 2 – female adult Peregrine perched on a fence post, 1 Little Egret, 46 Herring Gulls through, 26 Wigeon, 3 Cormorants (1 was a juv / 1st year bird). Snipe platform – 5 pairs of Gadwall. Seawall – 76 Curlew, 38 Oystercatchers, Shelduck, 1 Gt Black-backed Gull, distant Brent Goose, 69 Dunlin and 3 Grey Plovers. Hide 3 – pair of Stonechats, 5 Meadow Pipits, female Marsh Harrier being harassed by a female Kestrel, Common Buzzard calling, 136 Teal, 202 Wigeon. On way back to car park – Cettis calling, 150+ Starlings in the field.

Neville James Davies

Red Barn Pools, Goldcliff

Fri 31st Dec 2021

Main sighting: Cettis Warbler

Wigeon 72, Teal 15, Shoveler 9, Curlew 5, Cormorant 1, Grey Heron 1, Mute Swan 4, Tufted Duck 2 male 1 fem and Cettis calling.

Neil Farr

The Black Mountains

Tue 28th Dec 2021

Main sighting: Siskins

At the edge of Mynydd Du Forest on the track nr. the entrance to Coed – dias there was a mistle thrush in a ash tree and 2 siskins, 1 male and 1 female feeding on alder tree’s by the side of the Grwyne Fawr river. 3 buzzards above the Gaer. A robin, blue, great tits and a great spotted woodpecker in the forest.

Ray Duggan

Canal Rogerstone

Tue 28th Dec 2021

Main sighting: Goosanders

M and F Goosander on canal between the golf club and the Groes bidges

David Hathaway


Mon 27th Dec 2021

Main sighting: Greenfinches

I see that the BTO have put greenfinches on the red list.Going back a while there was the disease problem and numbers dropped,but recently numbers have increased form 5 to 20 birds around the feeders at any one time.

Chris Hatch

Gobion to The Bryn

Sun 26th Dec 2021

Main sighting: Various

1 Common Sandpiper, 11 Little Egrets, 6 Grey Herons, 1 male and 6 female Goosanders, Red Kite, 25 Mute Swans, 2 Teal, plus Buzzards, flocks of Goldfinches and Chaffinches, Grey Wagtails, 50+ Mallard, Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Canada Geese etc.

Mike and Jackie Pointon


Sun 26th Dec 2021

Main sighting: Blackcap

A male and female Blackcap in the garden this morning was a boxing day treat. Also in the village a Song Thrush in full song.

Allan Dowson

St.Mellons golf club

Sat 25th Dec 2021

Main sighting: Redwing

80+Redwings on the first fairway.merry christmas to all.

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]