Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Mike and Jackie Pointon

Peterstone Gout

Wed 3rd Nov 2021

Main sighting: Woodpigeon

1074 Woodpigeons flew west in one hour 11:45-12-45 Collard Dove 20 feeding in field Chiffchaff 1. Also Peacock butterfly.

Peter O'Duffy

Mynydd Maen

Wed 3rd Nov 2021

Main sighting: Wheatear

One Wheatear on mountain this am.

Verity Picken


Tue 2nd Nov 2021

Main sighting: Brambling

Two Brambling under my feeders,  20 Linnets and 20-odd Redwing devouring Holly and Hawthorn berries.

David Organ

Ystrad Mynach

Mon 1st Nov 2021

Main sighting: Passing Low North to South down Rhymney Valley

Bewick’s Swan (2)
Small swan, fast wing beats with pronounced whistle from wing feathers, no call.
Time 3.30 Cold. Sun .Wind W.
Naked eye only so no bill markings.

Andy Smith

The Tumble /Blorange

Sat 30th Oct 2021

Main sighting: Flock of 50+ mixed finches

Large flock of 50plus mixed finches. 3 red wing, 3 peregrine in the usual place, 1 green woodpecker and a very friendly juvenile kestrel perched on top of the “Iron” rocks.

Verity Picken


Sat 30th Oct 2021

Main sighting: Hawfinch

Hawfinch was almost the first bird I saw in the garden this morning after my return from the Scilly Isles (dry and mostly sunny with Lesser Scaup, Spot Sand, YBW, Red-breasted Fly, Richard’s Pipit, Hoopoe).

Allan Dowson

Sluice Farm

Fri 29th Oct 2021

Main sighting: Swallow

1-Swallow flying west 15h35

Nicholas Beswick

Hafod Farm, Brynmawr

Thu 28th Oct 2021

Main sighting: Brambling

Male Brambling on feeders this afternoon

Adrian & Charlotte Edwards

Peterstone gout / estuary

Thu 28th Oct 2021

Main sighting: large numbers

Large numbers this morning, presumably sheltering before the winds / rains: 400 shelduck, 200 shovelers, 100+ dunlin, 60 oystercatchers, 60 redshank, 42 pintail; also curlews, cormorant, little egret, 2 grey herons, few teal and wigeon; mallards and BHGs of course; & kestrel. Sorry imprecise numbers as too blowy to stand still 😉

Neville James Davies

Silent Valley, Ebbw Vale

Wed 27th Oct 2021

Main sighting: Fieldfare

Single fieldfare and at least 81 redwings.

Kevin Dupé

Goldcliff Lagoons, Newport Wetlands NNR

Mon 25th Oct 2021

Main sighting: Disturbance at Goldcliff lagoons

There will be some disturbance on Tuesday afternoon at Goldcliff Lagoons when we check water levels and salinities. This will be between approx between 1pm and 2pm. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Simon James Bedford


Fri 22nd Oct 2021

Main sighting: Various

Up to 800 woodpigeon flying in at altitude over Maypole ..Two house martin stragglers at Greenpool Llandegfedd .mixed flock of blackbird Redwing and few Fieldfare at Garn yr Erw ..(whistle in ) ..

Next event

7:00 am Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Outdoor meeting NRW Uskmouth (bi... @ NWR Uskmouth
Aug 10 @ 7:00 am
Meet at NWR Uskmouth RSPB centre 07:00 Bird ringing with Goldcliff Ringing Group. Close up to Cetti’s, Sedge and Reed Warbler and[...]