Please do not post reports of nesting birds or sightings of rare or Schedule 1 breeders. Sightings which might lead to disturbance will be removed.


Iain Crawford

Llandegfedd reservoir north end

Wed 18th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Redshank

A redshank, 3 herons, 130 canada geese, 80 blackheaded gulls, 200+ herring and lbb gulls, 55 cormorants and 2 great spotted woodpeckers.

Simon James Bedford

Newhouse Chepstow

Wed 18th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Hobby

Flock of over 20o starlings on Transmission tower plus Sparrowhawk female hunting the stragglers .Juv Hobby and wheatear female .

Mike andJackie Pointon

Goldcliff Lagoons

Wed 18th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Mediterranean Gull

The opening of the Snipe platform went well and was most enjoyable. Birds seen included a Mediterranean Gull an adult insecting over the platform with BHG’s, Marsh Harrier Sparrowhawk Kestrel Peregrine Buzzard Spotted Redshank 1 Ruff 2 Avocets Black-tailed Godwit Knot Dunlin Great White Egret Yellow Wagtail Pied and White Wagtail several Chiffchaffs Lots of Swallows and House Martins. Others: Clouded Yellow Common Darter ++

Iain Crawford


Wed 18th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Slavonian grebe

Small longnecked winter plumage grebe by church, either Slavonian or blacknecked. Elusive, dives out of sight.
Also 130 canada geese downstream with two grey wagtails, buzzard, heron, two cormorant, a female goosander, a green woodpecker

Simon James Bedford

Black Rock

Wed 18th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Passage

At least 40 “green warblers” including one Wood warbler Chiffchaff and Willow warbler in picnic area bushes also 2 spotted Flycatcher and 63 redshank on rocks at high tide .

John Lawton

Goldcliff Lagoons

Mon 16th Sep 2019

Main sighting: 8 Great White Egrets

I was on leaving the sea wall having been photographing a Wheatear and had a last scan with the bins over Bec’s lagoon. At the far end there was a large gathering of Egrets and as I scanned them I could see their yellow bills. There were 8 of them!!
I managed to get photos and video before they departed in a S/SE direction. (Photos on the Facebook Gwent Birders page) What I didn’t know at that time was that they’d relocated to Prior’s on the other side of the reed bed and were now in front of the Marsh Platform. As I approached the screen I could see them below me but they must have detected movement and moved down to the Snipe platform end. When I got down there and before I got anywhere near the screen they took off again heading back towards the sea wall hide. So nervous! The water level is as low on Bec’s as it was last year on Prior’s so maybe not as attractive for them as it could be.

Ed Stevens

Sudbrook to blackrock

Mon 16th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Comic tern

Seen by Chris Stone. 2 commic tern, 75 redshank, c16 knot, 24 turnstone, common sandpiper, whimbrel, wheatear, little egret and adult Mediterranean gull

Roger Price

Peterstone Gout etc.

Sun 15th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Duck

Mallard 180, Shelduck 148, Shoveler 42, Pintail 38, Teal 8, Redshank 150, Dunlin 20, Blackwit 5, Knot 1, Lapwing 16, Lgrt 2. At Sluice Farm: 1 Wheatear and movement of white butterflies west into westerly breeze, 30 Goldfinch. At St Brides (via M.L) : 200 Knot, 80 Oyster Catchers, Common Sandpiper, several Wheatear.

Verity Picken

River south of Usk

Sun 15th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Otters & geese

Just had to interrupt this morning’s WeBS survey to watch the antics of 4 otters – they’re no good at keeping a lookout so I had brilliant close views. A massive 677 Canada Geese (probably an undercount) and 30+ Greylag (rare here) flew down the valley. Otherwise quiet with just one Green Sandpiper and only 1-2 Goosander. Much of the river was obscured by dense vegetation.

Simon James Bedfiord

The Garth Newcastle Monmouth

Sat 14th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Osprey

Single bird at a regular stop off point seen fishing by a reliable source last month . Theory is at least three separate individuals use this route through Monmouthshire each year and this confirms it . Bird was present for 3 days before flying south. Also a single Hobby also headed south late in the day at the same location .

Blair Jones

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 14th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Waders and Ducks

Nev has summarised most of it. Pre-dawn visit there was 300+ ducks – mainly Teal on Priors in front of the Snipe Platform. Hard to get close to as they fly off as soon as they see anyone enter the platform. Good to see some waders today – there was a small flock of Black Tailed Godwits and Knots early on they took off at first light. Later nice flock of Knots were on Priors but got scared off by a Peregrine. The Ruffs are showing really well. Lots of small birds – Wheatears on sea wall and hedges were full of warblers.

Neville Davies

Goldcliff Lagoons

Sat 14th Sep 2019

Main sighting: Avocet and passerines

Dawn to mid-morning highlights: 1200+ swallows migrating through with 30 sand martins and at least 150 house martins. 2 kingfishers by the little bridge near the entrance, 3 greenshanks feeding together, teal numbers have rocketed to 270, 3 herons on the lagoons with a group of 10 that drifted over quite high (had us all thinking they were cranes at first), 77 ringed plovers with a similar number of dunlin, 9 lt egrets, 11 curlew, 1 buzzard, 2 snipe, 1 cettis calling, 1 avocet was an unexpected surprise, 41 lapwing, 1 yellow wagtail, pair of kestrels, 1 wheatear (3 more on seawall), green woodpecker yaffling, 4 ruff feeding together, the glossy ibis came in from the saltings then headed straight off in the direction of Magor Marsh, 161 knot with several dunlin mixed in, black swan female sparrowhawk and what appeared to be a hybrid shoveler x mallard, 4 gadwall and 6 shoveler. Migration was well under way with overhead 1 siskin, 51 skylarks and 77 meadow pipits. Along the hedgerow leading to the seawall was 11 chiffchaffs, 2 willow warblers, 2 wood warblers, 1 spotted flycatcher with blue and great tits, goldfinches, chaffinches and robins mixed in. Awesome morning. Other: several red admirals, 1 painted lady, numerous migrant hawkers and smaller numbers of common darters.