Gwent Ornithological Society Library List
The library is kept at Goytre Village Hall and is open at indoor meetings. Items may be borrowed free of charge; details of the loan will be recorded in the Library Register.
Books | |
A | |
An Eye for a Bird. Eric Hosking. 1970. | No. 120 |
Antarctic Wildlife. Eric Hosking & Bryan Sage. | |
Arctic Summer: Birds in North Norway. Richard Vaughan. | No. 224 |
Art of Peter Scott. Peter Scott. | No. 785 |
Atlantic Puffins. David Boag & Mike Alexander. | No. 125 |
Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. J T R Sharrock. BTO. 1976. | No. 56 |
Atlas of Breeding Birds in West Glamorgan. Gower Ornithological Society | No. 320 |
Atlas of Cotswold Breeding Birds. North Cotswold Ornithological Society. | No. 371 |
Atlas of the Birds of the Western Palaearctic. Colin Harrison. Collins 1982. | No. 401 |
Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Lancashire and North Merseyside 1997–2000. Robert Pyefinch and Peter Gordon. Hobby publications. |
No. 746 |
Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland. Peter Lack. Poyser. | No. 267 |
Audubon – biography. John Chancellor. | No. 228 |
Audubon’s Wildlife. Edwin Way. Teale. | No. 459 |
Audubon’s Masterpieces. J J Audubon. Koneck & Konecky. | No. 666 |
Auks: An ornithological Guide. 1987. Ron Freethy. | No. 723 |
Australian Naturalist Library Bird Life. Ian Rowley. | No. 140 |
Avocet. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 231 |
B | |
Back in the Wild. Sue Hart. 1977. | No. 199 |
Barn Owl the Farmers friend needs a helping hand. Brazil & Shawyer. 1989. | No. 301 |
Barn Owl. D S Bunn, A B Warburton and R D S Wilson | No. 486 |
Barn Owl. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 297 |
Barnacle Goose. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 248 |
Basil Ede’s Birds. Robert Dougall. | No. 667 |
Best Birdwatching Sites in Norfolk. Neil Glenn 2006. | No. 825 |
Best Days with British Birds. Malcolm Ogilvie & Stuart Winter. | No. 319 |
Bharatpur, Bird Paradise. 1989. | No. 273 |
Bill Oddie’s Little Black Bird Book. Bill Oddie. | No. 767 |
Bill Oddie’s Gone Birding. Bill Oddie. | No. 768 |
Bird Behaviour. John Sparks. 1972. | No. 314 |
Bird Behaviour. Robert Burton. | No. 621 |
Bird Census Techniques. | No. 839 |
Bird Detective. Peter Robinson. | No. 400 |
Bird Families of the World. Harrison. 1978. | No. 390 |
Bird Guide. Mullarney, Svensson, Zetterstrom & Grant. 2000. | No. 600 |
Bird Habitats of Britain. R J Fuller. | No. 89 |
Bird Haunts in Southern England. Yeates. | No. 419 |
Bird in the Bush, A: A Social History of Birdwatching. | |
Stephen Moss. Aurum. 2004. | No. 720 |
Bird Migration. A L Thomson. 1942 | No. 21 |
Bird Migration. E Kumari. | No number |
Bird Navigation. G V T Matthews. Cambridge Univ. Press. 1968. | No. 498 |
Bird Songs and Calls of Britain and Northern Europe (incl CD). Geoff Sample. | No. 719 |
Birdwatching Guide to Morocco, A. Peter Combridge & Alan Snook | No. 505 |
Birders Guide to Florida. B Pranly | No. 509 |
Birding on borrowed time. Phoebe Snetsinger | No. 711 |
Birdlife of Mountain and Upland. Derek Ratcliffe | No. 485 |
Birds and Climate Change. John F Burton | No. 402 |
Birds and Forestry. M Avery & R Leslie 1990 | No. 747 |
Birds and Man. E M Nicholson | No. 214 |
Birds as Builders. P Goodfellow | No. 281 |
Birds at Risk. Ralph Whitlock | No. 338 |
Birds from Britannia. HRH Duke of Edinburgh 1962. | No. 31 |
Birds in Peril. J P S Mackenzie | No. 636 |
Birds in Scotland. Valerie M Thom | No. 464 |
Birds in Wales. Roger Lovegrove, Graham Williams, Iolo Williams | No. 358 |
Birds in Wales 1992–2000. Jonathan Green | No. 613 |
Birds in Wales Vol 12 No 1 2015. | No. 904 |
Birds of Brecknock 1957. Geoffrey C S Ingram & H Morrey Salmon | No. 546 |
Birds of China. Rodolphe Meyer de Schauensee | No. 453 |
Birds of Dorset. George Green | No. 748 |
Birds of Europe. Lars Jonsson. | No. 362 |
Birds of Europe Vol 1. Lithographs of John Gould | No. 495 |
Birds of Europe Vol 2. Lithographs of John Gould | No. 496 |
Birds of Fair Isle (1991). J N Dymond | No.905 |
Birds of Glamorgan. Clive Hurford, Peter Lansdown | No. 373 |
Birds of Glamorgan. Cardiff Naturalists' Society. 1967. | No. 237 |
Birds of Gwent. A Venables et al. GOS. | No. 637 |
Birds of Herefordshire (2014). Davies et al. | No.856 |
Birds of Hong Kong and South China. C Viney, K Phillips & C Y Lam. | No. 734 |
Birds of Ireland. Clive D Hutchinson. | No. 473 |
Birds of Israel. Uzi Paz. | No. 622 |
Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania. Dale A Zimmerman, Donald A Turner, David J Pearson. | No. 461 |
Birds of Mallorca. John Busby. | No. 601 |
Birds of Moor and Mountains. Donald Watson. | No. 51 |
Birds of Nepal. Robert L Fleming, Sr., Robert L Fleming, Jr. & Laim Singh Bangdel. | No. 605 |
Field Guide to the Birds of Nepal. Richard Grimmet, Carol Inskipp & Tim Inskipp | |
Birds of New Zealand. Gordon R Williams. | No. 749 |
Birds of New Zealand, A photographic guide to. Geoff Moon. | No. 786 |
Birds of Pembrokeshire. J Donovan & G Rees. | No. 416 |
Birds of Prey. Leslie Brown. | No. 625 |
Birds of Prey. Nicholas Hammond & Bruce Pearson. Hamlyn Bird Behaviour Guide. | No. 387 |
Birds of Shore and Estuary. Terence Lambert. | No. 94 |
Birds of Somerset. Somerset Ornithological Society. | No. 269 |
Birds of South America. Austin Roberts | No. 451 |
Birds of Suffolk. S Piotrowski. | No. 750 |
Birds of the Atlantic Islands. Tony Clarke. | No. 729 |
Birds of the Lebanon and Jordan Area. S Vere Benson | No. 452 |
Birds of the Maltese Archipelago. D A Bannerman & J A Vella-Gaffireo | No. 494 |
Birds of the Middle East. R F Porter, S Christensen & P Schiemacker-Hansen. | No. 724 |
Birds of the Philippines. Pedro C Gonzales & Colin P Rees | No. 454 |
Birds of the Tideline: Shorebirds of the Northern Hemisphere. Alan Richards. 1988. | No. 134 |
Birds of the Western Palearctic, Concise Edition, 2 vols. | Nos. 751/752 |
Birds of the Wetlands. James Hancock. | No. 222 |
Birds of the World. O L Austin & A Singer. 1962. | No. 784 |
Birds of Town and Suburbs. Eric Simms. | No. 378 |
Birds of Town and Village. W D Campbell & Basil Ede. | No. 668 |
Birds of Turkey | No. 753 |
Birds of Turkey. Max Kasperak & Joost van der Ven. | No. 456 |
Birds of Wiltshire. John Buxton. | No. 105 |
Bird Quest. James Steel. | No. 487 |
Birds their Structure and Function. A S King & J McLelland. | No. 383 |
Basil Ede’s Birds. Basil Ede. | No. 667 |
Birds. Christopher Perrins. 1974. | No. 204 |
Birds: Swifts to Finches. Claus Konig. | No. 60 |
Birdwatch around Britain. Robert Dougall & Herbert Axell. | No. 181 |
Birdwatch around Scotland. W R Mitchell. 1983. | No. 108 |
Birdwatcher at Large. B Campbell. | No. 78 |
Birdwatchers Handbook. Paul Erlich, David Dobkin, Daryl Wheye & Stuart Pimm | No. 479 |
Birdwatcher’s Miscellany, A. Bob Hume. 1984. | No. 131 |
Birdwatchers Year. Poyser. | No. 404 |
Birdwatching for the under tens. Bill Oddie. | No. 279 |
Birdwatching Guide: Brandenburg & Berlin. Roger White. | No.852 |
Birdwatching Guide to Brittany, A. Stephen Coglow. | No. 507 |
Birdwatching guide to Mallorca, A. Graham Heart & Jon King. | No. 366 |
Birdwatching in Britain. Nigel Redman & Simon Harrap. | No. 410 |
Birdwatching in Eilat. David Yekutiel. | No. 611 |
Birdwatching on Estuaries, Coast and Sea. C Lloyd. | No. 121 |
Birdwatching with Bill Oddie. Bill Oddie. | No. 238 |
Blackbird. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 188 |
Blackcap and Garden Warbler. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 249 |
Blackcap. Hamlyn Species Guides. | No. 393 |
Book of Indian Birds. Salim Ali. | No. 606 |
Breeding Birds of Cumbria 1997–2001. Cumbria Bird Club. | No. 665 |
Breeding Birds of Europe: Divers to Auks. Manfred Pforr & Alfred Limbrunner. | No. 130 |
Breeding Birds of Europe. Manfred Pforr & Alfred Limbrunner. 1982. | No. 754 |
Breeding Birds of Europe: Sandgrouse to Crows. Manfred Pforr & Alfred Limbrunner. | No. 286 |
Breeding Birds of North Wales (2013). Brenchley et al. | No.843 |
Britain’s Birds in 1989–90: the Conservation and Monitoring Review. Ed. David Stroud & David Glue. 1991. |
No. 340 |
Britain’s Birds in 1990–91 the Conservation and Monitoring Review. John Andrews & Steve Carter. 1993. |
No. 341 |
Britain’s Birds in 1990–91. John Andrews and Steve Carter. | No number |
Britain’s Birds in 1989–90. David Stroud & David Glue. | No number |
Britain’s Birds in 1991–92. Carter S. | No number |
British Birds names, facts, myths. Geoff Green. | No. 903 |
British Birds. F B Kirkham & F C R Jourdain | No Number |
British Birds of Prey. Leslie Brown. | No. 205 |
British Thrushes. Eric Simms. | No. 490 |
British Tits. Christopher Perrins. | No. 74 |
BWP Update – Vol 1 Number 1 April 1997. Oxford University Press. | No Number |
C | |
Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Ornithology. M Brooke & T Birkhead. 1991. | No. 385 |
Catalan Journal of Ornithology, Barcelona. | No. 906 |
Celebration of Birds, A. Robert Dougall. | No. 482 |
Checklist of Birds of Britain and Ireland (6th Edition, March 1992). British Ornithological Union. |
No. 372 |
Collins Bird Guide. Keith & Godden | No. 717 |
Collins Guide to Birdwatching. R S R Fitter. | No. 407 |
Collins Guide to the Birds of New Zealand. R A Falla, R B Sibson & E G Turbott. | No. 325 |
Collins Guide to the Birds of Prey of Britain and Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. |
No. 755 |
The Natural History of Wales. Collins New Naturalist Series. William M Condry. | No. 213 |
Colour Guide to Familiar Garden and Field Birds: Eggs and Nests. Jiri Felix. 1977. | No Number |
Colour Guide to Hong Kong Birds. Clive Viney & Karen Phillips. | No. 264 |
Common Birds of Cyprus. J M E Took. | No. 497 |
Common Birds of Egypt. Bertel Brunn & Sherif Baha el Din. 1990. | No. 334 |
Common Malayan Birds. M F Tweedie. | No. 263 |
Common Tern. Hamlyn Species Guides. | No. 399 |
Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World, A. Richard Howard & Alick Moore. | No. 612 |
Coping with an Obsession. Derek Moore. | No. 850 |
Crows. Franklin Coombs. | No. 370 |
Cuckoo. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 184 |
Curlew in the Foreground, A. Philip Coxon. | No. 310 |
Curlew. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 296 |
D | |
Devil Birds: The Life of the Swift. Derek Bromhall. | No. 415 |
Dictionary of Birds, A. Bruce Campbell & Elizabeth Lack. Poyser 1985. | No. 756 |
Dipper. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 295 |
Discovering Bird Watching. Jim Flegg. BTO. 1973. | No. 313 |
Discovering Birds. Tony Soper. | No. 270 |
E | |
Eagles. John A. Love. | No. 255 |
Eagles. John Andrews. | No. 265 |
EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds. W Hagemeijer & M Blair. | No. 466 |
Enjoying Ornithology. David Lack. | No. 119 |
Estuary Birds of Britain and Ireland. Tony Prater. 1981. Poyser | No. 87 |
Ethiopian Episode. L Brown. | No. 758 |
Everything you always wanted to know about birds … but were afraid to ask. Stephen Moss. |
No. 728 |
F | |
Fall of a Sparrow. Salim Ali. | No. 300 |
Farming and Birds. R O’Connor & M Shrubb. | No. 127 |
Feathers and Plumage of Birds. A A Voitkevich. 1966. | No. 499 |
Field Guide in Colour to Birds, A. | No. 143 |
Field Guide to Australian Birds (Vol 1). Peter Slater. | No. 630 |
Field Guide to Australian Birds (Vol 2). Peter Slater. | No. 631 |
Field Guide to Bird Songs and Calls of Britain & Northern Europe, A. Dave Farrow. (Book & 2 Cd's). | No. 840 |
Field Guide to the Birds of Australia. K Simpson & N Day. | No. 759 |
Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. Jim Flegg. | No. 323 |
Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. John Gooders. | No. 408 |
Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe, A. R T Peterson, G Mountfort, & P A D Hollom. |
Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa. Terry Stevenson & John Fanshawe. | No. 651 |
Field Guide to the Birds of Galapagos. M P Harris. Collins. 1974. | No. 291 |
Field Guide to the birds of South Africa. O P M Presesky. | No. 614 |
Field Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka. John Harrison. | No. 650 |
Field Guide to the birds of the Gambia and Senegal. Clive Barlow, Tim Wacher & Tony Disley. | No. 468 |
Field Guide to the National Parks of East Africa. John G Williams. | No. 658 |
Field Guide to the nests, eggs and nestlings of British and European Birds, A. Colin Harrison. |
No. 29 |
Field Guide to the Rare birds of Britain and Europe, A. | |
Ian Lewington, Per Alström & Peter Colstrum. | No. 247 |
Field Guide to the Warblers of Britain and Europe, A. Alick Moore | No. 109 |
Fieldfare. D Norman. Hamlyn Species Guides. | No. 388 |
Finches and Sparrows. Peter Clement & John Davies. | No. 359 |
Finches. Ian Newton. | No. 55 |
Finding Birds in Egypt. Dave Gosney. | No. 609 |
Finding Birds in Poland. Dave Gosney. | No. 648 |
Fingers in the Sparkle Jar. Chris Packham. | No. 909 |
First for Britain and Ireland 1600–1999. Philip Palmer. Arlequin Press. 2000. | No. 700 |
Flamingos. Malcolm & Carol Ogilvie. | No. 239 |
Flight Identification of European Raptors. R F Porter et al. Poyser. 1974. | No. 80 |
Flight of the Storm Petrel. R M Lockley. | No. 283 |
Frontiers in Birding. Martin Garner & Friends. | |
Fulmar. James Fisher. | No. 321 |
G | |
Gannet. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 250 |
Colour Guide to Familiar Garden and Field Birds Eggs and Nests, A. Jiri Felix. | |
Garden Bird Behaviour. Robert Burton. | No. 713 |
Go Birding. Tony Soper. | No. 277 |
Golden Eagle. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 251 |
Great Auk Islands. Tim Birkhead. | No. 503 |
Great Crested Grebe. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 261 |
Great Tit. A G Gosler. Hamlyn Species Guides. 1993. | No. 483 |
Green Guide Birds of Australia. Peter Rowland. | No. 632 |
Greenshanks. Desmond & Maimie Nethersole-Thompson. | No. 607 |
Gripping Yarns: Tales of Birds & Birding. Bill Oddie. | No. 790 |
Guide to Garden Wildlife. Richard Lewington. | No. 743 |
Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica, A. F G Stiles, A Skutch & D Gardner. 1989. | No. 744 |
Guide to the Birds of Nepal, A. Carol & Tim Inskipp. | No. 381 |
Guide to the Birds of the Falkland Islands. Robin R Woods. | No. 236 |
Guide to the Identification and Ageing of Holarctic Waders. A J Prater, J H Merchant, J Vuorinen. | No. 467 |
Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America. K M Olsen & H Larsson. Helm Identification Guides. |
No. 714 |
Gwent – its Landscape and Natural History. Colin Titcombe. | No. 489 |
H | |
Hamlyn Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. Bertel Brunn. | No. 93 |
Handbook of Bird Identification for Europe and Western Palearctic. Helm Identification Guides. 1998. |
No. 544 |
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Cramp & Simmons. Vol 1. Ostrich to Ducks. |
No. 191 |
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Cramp & Simmons. Vol 2. Hawks to Bustards. |
No. 192 |
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Cramp & Simmons. Vol 3. Waders to Gulls. |
No. 193 |
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Cramp. Vol 4. Terns to Woodpeckers. |
No. 194 |
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Cramp. Vol 5. Tyrant Flycatchers to Thrushes. |
No. 195 |
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Cramp. Vol 6. Warblers. |
No. 196 |
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Cramp & Perrins. Vol 7. Flycatchers to Shrikes. |
No. 197 |
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Cramp & Perrins. Vol 8. Buntings to New World Warblers. |
No. 200 |
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa: The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Cramp & Perrins. Vol 9. Crows to Finches. |
No. 344 |
Handguide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. H Heinzel & M Woodcock. | No. 413 |
Harriers of the British Isles. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 271 |
Helpers at Birds’ Nests. Alexander F Skutch. 1987. | No. 268 |
Here I am – Where are You? Konrad Lorenz. 1988. | No. 411 |
Herons Handbook. James Hancock & James Kushlan. | No. 240 |
Highlands and Islands. Fraser Doping & J Martyn Boyd. | No. 111 |
Historical Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain in Ireland 1875–1900. Simon Holloway. Poyser. |
No. 386 |
How Birds Work. Ron Freethy. Blandford. 1982. | No. 97 |
How to Birdwatch. Stephen Moss. | No. 664 |
How to watch birds. John Gooders. 1975. | No. 36 |
How to Watch Wildlife. Bill Oddie. 2005. | No. 722 |
100 Birds to see before you die. David Chandler & Dominic Couzens. | No. 740 |
I | |
Identification Guide to European Non-Passerines. Kevin Baker. BTO 24. | No. 365 |
Identification Guide to European Passerines. Lars Svensson. BTO. 1970. | No. 364 |
In Condor Country. David Darlington. 1987. | No. 243 |
In search of birds. Jim Flegg. | No. 330 |
Inconvenient Truth. Al Gore. | No. 732 |
Inland Birds of Saudi Arabia. Jill Silsby. | No. 493 |
Island of Terns. Bob Chestney. 1993. | No. 481 |
J | |
Just a Lark! Jim Flegg et al. 1984. | No. 285 |
K | |
Kestrel. M Shrubb. Hamlyn Species Guides. | No. 484 |
Kestrel. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 272 |
Kestrels in the Kitchen. Meg Elizabeth Atkins. 1979. | No. 220 |
Kingfisher. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 183 |
Kingfisher. David Boag. | No. 95 |
Kingfishers, Bee-eaters and Rollers. C Hilary Fry, Kathie Fry & Alan Harris | No. 361 |
L | |
Last of the Curlews. Fred Bodsworth. 1966. | No. 634 |
Life of Birds. David Attenborough. 1998. | No. 550 |
Life of the Robin. David Lack. 1965. | No. 439 |
Lion and the Gazelle. Birds of Iran. P N Humphreys & E Kahrom. 1995. | No. 389 |
Lives of Birds. Leslie L Scott. | No. 478 |
Living Birds of the World. E Thomas Gilliard. 1958. | No. 460 |
Longman World Guide to Birds. Phillip Whitfield. 1986. | No. 208 |
M | |
Mammals: Collins Field Guide. David McDonald & Priscilla Barrett. | No. 730 |
Mandarin Duck. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 232 |
Manual of Raptors, Pigeons and Waterfowl. Peter Beynon. | |
Macmillan Birder’s Guide to European and Middle Eastern Birds. Alan Harris, Hadoram Shirihai & David Christie. | No. 403 |
Merlins of the Welsh Marches. D A Orton. | No. 737 |
Migration Atlas: Movements of the Birds of Britain and Ireland. Wernham et al. BTO. 2002. | No. 643 |
More Songs of Wild Birds. E M Nicholson & L Koch. | No. 26 |
Mute Swan. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 252 |
N | |
Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of North American Birds, A Guide to the. Colin Harrison. 1978. | No. 217 |
New Atlas of Breeding Birds 1988–91. BTO. | No. 339 |
New Generation Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. Christopher Perrins. | No. 257 |
New World Warblers. Jan Curson, David Quinn & David Beadle. Helm Identification Guide. |
No. 465 |
Nightjar. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 317 |
North America Bird Guide. D Sibley. | No. 615 |
O | |
Ontario Birds. Journal Vol 12 No 2. 1984. | |
Ornithology: an Introduction. Austin L Rand. 1967. | No. 633 |
Osprey: a natural & unnatural history. Alan F Poole. | No. 471 |
Owls of Europe. Heimo Mikkola. | No. 126 |
Owls: their Natural and Unnatural History. John Sparks & Tony Soper. | No. 72 |
Oystercatcher. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 294 |
P | |
Paddling of Ducks, A. D Ripley. | No. 615 |
Passion for Birds, A. Tony Soper. 1988. | No. 133 |
Pheasant. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 254 |
Photographic Field Guide: Birds of Britain and Europe. Jim Flegg & David Hoskins. | No. 715 |
Photographic Guide to the Birds of Japan & North East Asia, A. T Shimba. | No. 824 |
Photographic Guide to the Waders of the World. David Rosair & David Cottridge. 1995. | No. 657 |
Plovers. Richard Vaughan. | No. 83 |
Population Studies of Birds. David Lack. 1966. | No. 114 |
Population Trends in British Breeding Birds. J H Marchant, R Hudson, S P Carter & P A Whittington. BTO. 1990. |
No. 474 |
Projects with Birds. Peter Goodfellow. 1992. | No. 414 |
Puffin. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 185 |
Puffin. M P Harris. | No. 472 |
Puffins. R M Lockley. | No. 392 |
R | |
Raptors of Israel. David Yekutiel. | No. 760 |
Rare Birds of the British Isles: A Personal Survey of over 300 unusual visitors. David Saunders. 1991. |
No. 337 |
Rare Birds of the World. Guy Mountfort. | No. 282 |
Rare Birds of Britain & Ireland (1976). J T R Sharrock. | No. 854 |
Ravens in Winter. Bernd Heinrich. 1990. | No. 368 |
Redshank. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 293 |
Redstart. John Buxton. 1950. | No. 438 |
Register of Welsh Birds (in welsh). Jones & Jones. | |
Museum of Wales. 1973. | No. 422 |
RSPB Complete Birds of Britain. Rob Hume. | |
RSPB Guide to Birdwatching.. P Conder. | No. 218 |
RSPB Where to go Birdwatching. 1987. | No. 718 |
S | |
Saving Birds – Welcome to Hungary. 1987. | |
Sea birds. Mary E Gillham. 1963. | No. 23 |
Seabirds of Britain and Ireland. S Cramp, W R P Bourne, & D Saunders. | No. 53 |
Seabirds of Britain & Ireland (1974). Cramp, S, Bourne, W.R.P. and Saunders, D. | No. 855 |
Seabirds: their biology and ecology. Bryan Nelson. | No. 81 |
Seabirds: An Identification Guide. Peter Harrison. | No. 342 |
Seabirds. J Fisher & R M Lockley. | No. 212 |
Seasonal movements of summer migrants. Nick Riddiford & Peter Findley. 1981. | No. 476 |
Secrets of Bird Life: Guide to Bird Biology. Ron Freethy. 1990. | No. 292 |
Shell Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Ireland. James Ferguson-Lees, Ian Willis & J T R Sharrock. | No. 394 |
Shorebird Guide. Michael O’Brian, Richard Crossley & Kevin Karlson. | No. 736 |
Shorebirds: an Identification guide to the Waders of the World. Peter Hayman, John Marchant & Tony Prater. Helm Guide. | No. 343 |
Site Guide to Britain and Ireland. J Gooders. | No. 761 |
Sketchbook of Birds, A. C F Tunnicliffe. Victor Gollancz. 1979. | No. 302 |
Song Thrush. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 260 |
Songs of Wild Birds. Nicholson & Koch. 1936. | No. 43 |
Southern African Birdfinder. C Cohen, C Spottiswode, J Rossouw. | No. 727 |
Sparrow. J Dennis Summers-Smith. | No. 548 |
Sparrowhawk. Ian Newton. | No. 345 |
Sparrowhawk. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 145 |
Spirit of survival: A Natural and Personal History of Terns. John Hay. 1974. | No. 244 |
Starling. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 186 |
State of the Nation’s Birds. Chris Mead. | No. 669 |
Status of Seabirds in Britain and Ireland. Clare Lloyd, Mark Tasker & Ken Partridge. | No. 547 |
Stonechats. Ewan Urquart. | No. 520 |
Strange World of Birds. J Wakefield. | No. 137 |
Sunbirds. R A Cheke, C F Mann & R Allen. 2001. | No. 521 |
Swallow. Hamlyn Species Guides. | No. 418 |
Swallow. Shire Natural History Series. | No. 190 |
Swallows and Martins: An Identification Guide and Handbook. Angela Turner & Chris Rose. | No. 360 |
Swans of the World. S B Wilmore. 1979. | No. 107 |
Swifts in a Tower. David Lack. Methuen. 1956. | No. 440 |
T | |
The Birdwatcher’s Guide to Britain and Europe. John Gooders. | No. 369 |
The Island (1975). R Lockley. | No. 853 |
Titmice of the British Isles. John A G Barnes. | No. 287 |
To see every bird on Earth. Dan Koeppel. | No. 787 |
Tour of British Bird Reserves, A. Valerie Russell. | No. 128 |
Tracks and Signs of Birds of Britain and Europe. R Brown, J Ferguson, M Lawrence & D Lees. | No. 288 |
Tropical Birds. C Roots. | No. 278 |
Tundra Plovers. Ingvar Byrkjedal & Des Thompson. | No. 504 |
Twitchers Diary, A. R Millington. | No. 234 |
Twitcher’s Diary, A. Richard Millington. Blandford 1980. | No. 235 |
W | |
Waders. Desmond & Maimie Nethersole-Thompson. | No. 488 |
Waders. W G Hale. | No. 75 |
Wading Birds of the World. Eric Soothill. | No. 638 |
Wandering Tattler. Elizabeth Foster. | No. 259 |
Warblers of Europe, Asia and North Africa. Kevin Baker. | No. 470 |
Watching Sea Birds. Richard Perry. | No. 629 |
Water Birds and Flightless Birds. Ed. C M Perrins & A L A Middleton. 1987. | No. 274 |
Water Birds with Webbed Feet. Paul Geroudet. | No. 290 |
Weather and Bird Behaviour. Norman Elkins. | No. 104 |
Wetlands of Britain, The Birdwatcher’s Guide to the. M A Ogilive. | No. 762 |
Wheatear. Peter Conder. | No. 477 |
Where to go Birdwatching. RSPB. | No. 718 |
Where to watch Birds. John Gooders. | No. 311 |
Where to watch Birds in Africa. Nigel Wheatley. | No. 644 |
Where to watch Birds in Britain. Simon Harrap & Nigel Redman. | No. 510 |
Where to watch birds in Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the former counties of the West Midlands. Graham Harrison. | No. 661 |
Where to watch Birds in Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. Ken Hall & John Govett. | No. 616 |
Where to watch birds in Southern and Western Spain. Ernst Garcia & Andrew Patterson. | No. 645 |
Where to watch birds in Switzerland. Marco Saachi, Peter Ruegg & Jacques Laessar. | No. 617 |
Who's Who in Ornithology. John E Pemberton. | No. 823 |
Wild Birds and the Land. F H Lancum. HMSO. 1952. | No. 5 |
Wild Chorus. Peter Scott. 1939. | No. 40 |
Wild Wings to the Northlands. S Baylis Smith. | No. 328 |
Wildfowl – An Identification guide to the Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World. Steve Madge & Hilary Burn. | No. 327 |
Wildfowl in Great Britain. HMSO. | No. 118 |
Wildfowl in Great Britain. Myryn Owen, G L Atkinson-Willes & D G Salmon. | No. 101 |
Wings and Rings. Richard Vaughan. | |
Woodland Birds. Eric Simms. | No. 215 |
Woodpeckers of Europe. Gerard Gorman. | No. 708 |
World Birds. Brian P Martin. | No. 412 |
World of Birds. James Fisher & Roger Peterson. 1964. | No. 216 |
World of Humming Birds. Tony Tilford. 2000. | No. 716 |
World of Roger Tory Peterson. Ed. By John C. Devlin and Grace Naismith. | No. 851 |
World’s Vanishing Birds. C Littlewood & D W Ovenden. | No. 315 |
Y | |
Year of the Greylag Goose. Konrad Lorenz. | No. 227 |
Young Birdwatcher. C Hillstead. | No. 361 |
County Annual Reports | |
Avon Bird Report 2015. | No.911 |
Birds of Monmouthshire. Reports 1937 – 1963. | |
Birds of Wiltshire. Reports 1995–2000. | No.739 |
East Glamorgan Bird Report No. 52 2013. | No. 902 |
East Glamorgan Bird Report No. 53 2014. | No. 909 |
East Glamorgan Bird Report No. 54 2015. | No. 910 |
Glamorgan Bird Club Annual Report, (2014?). | No. 901 |
Somerset Birds 2013. | No. 900 |
Somerset Birds 2014. | No. 907 |
Wildfowl Trust 11th Annual Report 1958/59. | |
Gwent Ornithological Society DVDs | |
Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife Part 1 (1–4). | No. 771 |
Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife Part 1 (5–8). | No. 772 |
Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife Part 2 (9–12). | No. 773 |
Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife Part 2 (13–16). | No. 774 |
Birds of Britain and Europe 1. Divers to Wildfowl. | No. 349 |
Birds of Britain and Europe 2. Raptors to Waders. | No. 350 |
Birds of Britain and Europe 3. Skuas to Woodpeckers. | No. 351 |
Birds of Britain and Europe. 4. Larks to Thrushes. | No. 352 |
Birds of Britain and Europe 5. Warblers to Crows. | No. 353 |
Birds of Britain and Europe 6. Starlings to Buntings. | No. 354 |
Bird Watching in England. | No. 788 |
Birdwatching in Norfolk. | No. 769 |
Birdwatching in Scotland. | No. 770 |
British Birds 1. Divers to Crakes. | No. 542 |
British Birds 2. Waders to Swift. | No. 543 |
British Birds 3. Swallows to Buntings. | No. 544 |
British Birds of Prey | No. 789 |
British Bird Song. | No. 778 |
British Butterflies: An Interactive Guide. | No. 782 |
Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain. | No. 777 |
Gosney in Arctic and Mallorca. | No. 376 |
Gosney in Britain. | No. 779 |
Gosney in Eastern Europe. | No. 780 |
Gosney in Florida. | No. 515 |
Gosney in Israel. | No. 375 |
Gosney in Morocco. | No. 517 |
Gosney in Spain. | No. 514 |
Gosney in Texas. | No. 516 |
The Great Bustard Return. Nar. Sir David Attenborough. | No. 781 |
Gulls: Video Guide to the Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America. Two video set | |
Kingfisher: Secret Splendour of the Brook and Short Eared Owl. | |
Lesbos in Spring. | No. 491 |
The Natural History of the Isle of Portland. | No. 660 |
Video Guide to British Garden Birds. David Attenborough | |
Waders 1 The Key to Waders of Europe, Asia, and North America. GOS. | No. 775 |
Waders 2 The Key to Waders of Europe, Asia, and North America. GOS. | No. 776 |
Rodney Morris. Bird Video (Various species filmed locally) | |
CD/DVDs | |
The Birds of the Western Palearctic. Demo disc | |
British Birds. CD Rom Guide | |
Digital Photography Workflow. 1 to 1 Tutorial. Terry Wall CD | |
Buzzard 2005. Rodney Morris DVD | |
British Birds Interactive DVD–ROM (1907–2007). GOS. | No. 783 |
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7:30 pm
Indoor Event – Curlew a Return t...
@ Goytre Village Hall
Indoor Event – Curlew a Return t...
@ Goytre Village Hall
Apr 5 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
An illustrated talk by Jon Avon, Dartmoor Curlew Recovery Project Goytre Village Hall, NP4 0AR
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