Gwent Ornithological Society Library List

The library is kept at Goytre Village Hall and is open at indoor meetings.  Items may be borrowed free of charge; details of the loan will be recorded in the Library Register.

An Eye for a Bird.  Eric Hosking.  1970. No. 120
Antarctic Wildlife.  Eric Hosking & Bryan Sage.  
Arctic Summer: Birds in North Norway.  Richard Vaughan. No. 224
Art of Peter Scott.  Peter Scott. No. 785
Atlantic Puffins.  David Boag & Mike Alexander. No. 125
Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland.  J T R Sharrock. BTO. 1976. No.  56
Atlas of Breeding Birds in West Glamorgan.  Gower Ornithological Society No. 320
Atlas of Cotswold Breeding Birds.  North Cotswold Ornithological Society. No. 371
Atlas of the Birds of the Western Palaearctic.  Colin Harrison. Collins 1982. No. 401
Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Lancashire and North Merseyside 1997–2000.
Robert Pyefinch and Peter Gordon. Hobby publications.
No. 746
Atlas of Wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland.  Peter Lack.  Poyser. No. 267
Audubon – biography.  John Chancellor. No. 228
Audubon’s Wildlife.  Edwin Way.  Teale. No. 459
Audubon’s Masterpieces.  J J Audubon. Koneck & Konecky. No. 666
Auks: An ornithological Guide. 1987.  Ron Freethy. No. 723
Australian Naturalist Library Bird Life.  Ian Rowley. No. 140
Avocet.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 231
Back in the Wild.  Sue Hart. 1977. No. 199
Barn Owl the Farmers friend needs a helping hand.  Brazil & Shawyer. 1989. No. 301
Barn Owl.  D S Bunn, A B Warburton and R D S Wilson No. 486
Barn Owl.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 297
Barnacle Goose.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 248
Basil Ede’s Birds.  Robert Dougall. No. 667
Best Birdwatching Sites in Norfolk.  Neil Glenn 2006. No. 825
Best Days with British Birds.  Malcolm Ogilvie & Stuart Winter. No. 319
Bharatpur, Bird Paradise.  1989. No. 273
Bill Oddie’s Little Black Bird Book.  Bill Oddie. No. 767
Bill Oddie’s Gone Birding.  Bill Oddie. No. 768
Bird Behaviour.  John Sparks. 1972. No. 314
Bird Behaviour.  Robert Burton. No. 621
Bird Census Techniques. No. 839
Bird Detective.  Peter Robinson. No. 400
Bird Families of the World.  Harrison. 1978. No. 390
Bird Guide.  Mullarney, Svensson, Zetterstrom & Grant. 2000. No. 600
Bird Habitats of Britain.  R J Fuller. No.  89
Bird Haunts in Southern England.  Yeates. No. 419
Bird in the Bush, A: A Social History of Birdwatching.  
Stephen Moss. Aurum. 2004. No. 720
Bird Migration.  A L Thomson.  1942 No.  21
Bird Migration.  E Kumari. No number
Bird Navigation. G V T Matthews.  Cambridge Univ. Press. 1968. No. 498
Bird Songs and Calls of Britain and Northern Europe (incl CD).  Geoff Sample. No. 719
Birdwatching Guide to Morocco, A.  Peter Combridge & Alan Snook No. 505
Birders Guide to Florida.  B Pranly No. 509
Birding on borrowed time.  Phoebe Snetsinger No. 711
Birdlife of Mountain and Upland.  Derek Ratcliffe No. 485
Birds and Climate Change.  John F Burton No. 402
Birds and Forestry.  M Avery & R Leslie  1990 No. 747
Birds and Man.  E M Nicholson No. 214
Birds as Builders.  P Goodfellow No. 281
Birds at Risk.  Ralph Whitlock No. 338
Birds from Britannia.  HRH Duke of Edinburgh 1962. No.  31
Birds in Peril.  J P S Mackenzie No. 636
Birds in Scotland.  Valerie M Thom No. 464
Birds in Wales.  Roger Lovegrove, Graham Williams, Iolo Williams No. 358
Birds in Wales 1992–2000.  Jonathan Green No. 613
Birds in Wales Vol 12 No 1 2015. No. 904
Birds of Brecknock 1957.  Geoffrey C S Ingram & H Morrey Salmon No. 546
Birds of China.  Rodolphe Meyer de Schauensee No. 453
Birds of Dorset.  George Green No. 748
Birds of Europe.  Lars Jonsson. No. 362
Birds of Europe Vol 1.  Lithographs of John Gould No. 495
Birds of Europe Vol 2.  Lithographs of John Gould No. 496
Birds of Fair Isle (1991).  J N Dymond No.905
Birds of Glamorgan.  Clive Hurford, Peter Lansdown No. 373
Birds of Glamorgan.  Cardiff Naturalists' Society. 1967. No. 237
Birds of Gwent.  A Venables et al. GOS. No. 637
Birds of Herefordshire (2014).  Davies et al. No.856
Birds of Hong Kong and South China.  C Viney, K Phillips & C Y Lam. No. 734
Birds of Ireland.  Clive D Hutchinson. No. 473
Birds of Israel.  Uzi Paz. No. 622
Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania.  Dale A Zimmerman, Donald A Turner, David J Pearson. No. 461
Birds of Mallorca.  John Busby. No. 601
Birds of Moor and Mountains.  Donald Watson. No.  51
Birds of Nepal.  Robert L Fleming, Sr., Robert L Fleming, Jr. & Laim Singh Bangdel. No. 605
Field Guide to the Birds of Nepal.  Richard Grimmet, Carol Inskipp & Tim Inskipp  
Birds of New Zealand.  Gordon R Williams. No. 749
Birds of New Zealand, A photographic guide to.  Geoff Moon. No. 786
Birds of Pembrokeshire.  J Donovan & G Rees. No. 416
Birds of Prey.  Leslie Brown. No. 625
Birds of Prey.  Nicholas Hammond & Bruce Pearson. Hamlyn Bird Behaviour Guide. No. 387
Birds of Shore and Estuary.  Terence Lambert. No.  94
Birds of Somerset.  Somerset Ornithological Society. No. 269
Birds of South America.  Austin Roberts No. 451
Birds of Suffolk.  S Piotrowski. No. 750
Birds of the Atlantic Islands.  Tony Clarke. No. 729
Birds of the Lebanon and Jordan Area.  S Vere Benson No. 452
Birds of the Maltese Archipelago.  D A Bannerman & J A Vella-Gaffireo No. 494
Birds of the Middle East.  R F Porter, S Christensen & P Schiemacker-Hansen. No. 724
Birds of the Philippines.  Pedro C Gonzales & Colin P Rees No. 454
Birds of the Tideline: Shorebirds of the Northern Hemisphere.  Alan Richards. 1988. No. 134
Birds of the Western Palearctic, Concise Edition, 2 vols. Nos. 751/752
Birds of the Wetlands.  James Hancock. No. 222
Birds of the World.  O L Austin & A Singer. 1962. No. 784
Birds of Town and Suburbs.  Eric Simms. No. 378
Birds of Town and Village.  W D Campbell & Basil Ede. No. 668
Birds of Turkey No. 753
Birds of Turkey.  Max Kasperak & Joost van der Ven. No. 456
Birds of Wiltshire. John Buxton. No. 105
Bird Quest.  James Steel. No. 487
Birds their Structure and Function.  A S King & J McLelland. No. 383
Basil Ede’s Birds.  Basil Ede. No. 667
Birds.  Christopher Perrins. 1974. No. 204
Birds: Swifts to Finches.  Claus Konig. No.  60
Birdwatch around Britain.  Robert Dougall & Herbert Axell. No. 181
Birdwatch around Scotland.  W R Mitchell. 1983. No. 108
Birdwatcher at Large.  B Campbell. No.  78
Birdwatchers Handbook.  Paul Erlich, David Dobkin, Daryl Wheye & Stuart Pimm No. 479
Birdwatcher’s Miscellany, A.  Bob Hume. 1984. No. 131
Birdwatchers Year.  Poyser. No. 404
Birdwatching for the under tens.  Bill Oddie. No. 279
Birdwatching Guide: Brandenburg & Berlin.  Roger White. No.852
Birdwatching Guide to Brittany, A.  Stephen Coglow. No. 507
Birdwatching guide to Mallorca, A.  Graham Heart & Jon King. No. 366
Birdwatching in Britain.  Nigel Redman & Simon Harrap. No. 410
Birdwatching in Eilat.  David Yekutiel. No. 611
Birdwatching on Estuaries, Coast and Sea.  C Lloyd. No. 121
Birdwatching with Bill Oddie.  Bill Oddie. No. 238
Blackbird.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 188
Blackcap and Garden Warbler.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 249
Blackcap.  Hamlyn Species Guides. No. 393
Book of Indian Birds.  Salim Ali. No. 606
Breeding Birds of Cumbria 1997–2001.  Cumbria Bird Club. No. 665
Breeding Birds of Europe: Divers to Auks.  Manfred Pforr & Alfred Limbrunner. No. 130
Breeding Birds of Europe.  Manfred Pforr & Alfred Limbrunner. 1982. No. 754
Breeding Birds of Europe: Sandgrouse to Crows.  Manfred Pforr & Alfred Limbrunner. No. 286
Breeding Birds of North Wales (2013).  Brenchley et al. No.843
Britain’s Birds in 1989–90: the Conservation and Monitoring Review.
Ed. David Stroud & David Glue. 1991.
No. 340
Britain’s Birds in 1990–91 the Conservation and Monitoring Review.
John Andrews & Steve Carter. 1993.
No. 341
Britain’s Birds in 1990–91.  John Andrews and Steve Carter. No number
Britain’s Birds in 1989–90.  David Stroud & David Glue. No number
Britain’s Birds in 1991–92.  Carter S. No number
British Birds names, facts, myths.  Geoff Green. No. 903
British Birds.  F B Kirkham & F C R Jourdain No Number
British Birds of Prey.  Leslie Brown. No. 205
British Thrushes.  Eric Simms. No. 490
British Tits.  Christopher Perrins. No.  74
BWP Update – Vol 1 Number 1 April 1997. Oxford University Press. No Number
Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Ornithology.  M Brooke & T Birkhead. 1991. No. 385
Catalan Journal of Ornithology, Barcelona. No. 906
Celebration of Birds, A.  Robert Dougall. No. 482
Checklist of Birds of Britain and Ireland (6th Edition, March 1992).
British Ornithological Union.
No. 372
Collins Bird Guide.  Keith & Godden No. 717
Collins Guide to Birdwatching.  R S R Fitter. No. 407
Collins Guide to the Birds of New Zealand.  R A Falla, R B Sibson & E G Turbott. No. 325
Collins Guide to the Birds of Prey of Britain and Europe, North Africa and
the Middle East.
No. 755
The Natural History of Wales. Collins New Naturalist Series.  William M Condry. No. 213
Colour Guide to Familiar Garden and Field Birds: Eggs and Nests.  Jiri Felix. 1977. No Number
Colour Guide to Hong Kong Birds.  Clive Viney & Karen Phillips. No. 264
Common Birds of Cyprus.  J M E Took. No. 497
Common Birds of Egypt.  Bertel Brunn & Sherif Baha el Din. 1990. No. 334
Common Malayan Birds.  M F Tweedie. No. 263
Common Tern.  Hamlyn Species Guides. No. 399
Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World, A.  Richard Howard & Alick Moore. No. 612
Coping with an Obsession.  Derek Moore. No. 850
Crows.  Franklin Coombs. No. 370
Cuckoo.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 184
Curlew in the Foreground, A.  Philip Coxon. No. 310
Curlew.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 296
Devil Birds: The Life of the Swift.  Derek Bromhall. No. 415
Dictionary of Birds, A.  Bruce Campbell & Elizabeth Lack. Poyser 1985. No. 756
Dipper.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 295
Discovering Bird Watching.  Jim Flegg. BTO. 1973. No. 313
Discovering Birds.  Tony Soper. No. 270
Eagles.  John A. Love. No. 255
Eagles.  John Andrews. No. 265
EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds.  W Hagemeijer & M Blair. No. 466
Enjoying Ornithology.  David Lack. No. 119
Estuary Birds of Britain and Ireland.  Tony Prater. 1981. Poyser No.  87
Ethiopian Episode.  L Brown. No. 758
Everything you always wanted to know about birds … but were afraid to ask.
Stephen Moss.
No. 728
Fall of a Sparrow.  Salim Ali. No. 300
Farming and Birds.  R O’Connor & M Shrubb. No. 127
Feathers and Plumage of Birds.  A A Voitkevich. 1966. No. 499
Field Guide in Colour to Birds, A. No. 143
Field Guide to Australian Birds (Vol 1).  Peter Slater. No. 630
Field Guide to Australian Birds (Vol 2).  Peter Slater. No. 631
Field Guide to Bird Songs and Calls of Britain & Northern Europe, A.  Dave Farrow. (Book & 2 Cd's). No. 840
Field Guide to the Birds of Australia.  K Simpson & N Day. No. 759
Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. Jim Flegg. No. 323
Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe.  John Gooders. No. 408
Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe, A.  R T Peterson, G Mountfort,
& P A D Hollom.
Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa.  Terry Stevenson & John Fanshawe. No. 651
Field Guide to the Birds of Galapagos.  M P Harris. Collins. 1974. No. 291
Field Guide to the birds of South Africa.  O P M Presesky. No. 614
Field Guide to the Birds of Sri Lanka.  John Harrison. No. 650
Field Guide to the birds of the Gambia and Senegal.  Clive Barlow, Tim Wacher & Tony Disley. No. 468
Field Guide to the National Parks of East Africa.  John G Williams. No. 658
Field Guide to the nests, eggs and nestlings of British and European Birds, A.
Colin Harrison.
No.  29
Field Guide to the Rare birds of Britain and Europe, A.  
Ian Lewington, Per Alström & Peter Colstrum. No. 247
Field Guide to the Warblers of Britain and Europe, A.  Alick Moore No. 109
Fieldfare.  D Norman.  Hamlyn Species Guides. No. 388
Finches and Sparrows.  Peter Clement & John Davies. No. 359
Finches.  Ian Newton. No.  55
Finding Birds in Egypt.  Dave Gosney. No. 609
Finding Birds in Poland.  Dave Gosney. No. 648
Fingers in the Sparkle Jar.  Chris Packham. No. 909
First for Britain and Ireland 1600–1999.  Philip Palmer. Arlequin Press.  2000. No. 700
Flamingos.  Malcolm & Carol Ogilvie. No. 239
Flight Identification of European Raptors.  R F Porter et al. Poyser. 1974. No.  80
Flight of the Storm Petrel.  R M Lockley. No. 283
Frontiers in Birding.  Martin Garner & Friends.  
Fulmar.  James Fisher. No. 321
Gannet.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 250
Colour Guide to Familiar Garden and Field Birds Eggs and Nests, A.  Jiri Felix.  
Garden Bird Behaviour.  Robert Burton. No. 713
Go Birding.  Tony Soper. No. 277
Golden Eagle.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 251
Great Auk Islands.  Tim Birkhead. No. 503
Great Crested Grebe.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 261
Great Tit.  A G Gosler.  Hamlyn Species Guides.  1993. No. 483
Green Guide Birds of Australia.  Peter Rowland. No. 632
Greenshanks.  Desmond & Maimie Nethersole-Thompson. No. 607
Gripping Yarns: Tales of Birds & Birding.  Bill Oddie. No. 790
Guide to Garden Wildlife.  Richard Lewington. No. 743
Guide to the Birds of Costa Rica, A.  F G Stiles, A Skutch & D Gardner.  1989. No. 744
Guide to the Birds of Nepal, A.  Carol & Tim Inskipp. No. 381
Guide to the Birds of the Falkland Islands.  Robin R Woods. No. 236
Guide to the Identification and Ageing of Holarctic Waders. A J Prater, J H Merchant, J Vuorinen. No. 467
Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America.  K M Olsen & H Larsson.
Helm Identification Guides.
No. 714
Gwent – its Landscape and Natural History. Colin Titcombe. No. 489
Hamlyn Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe.  Bertel Brunn. No.  93
Handbook of Bird Identification for Europe and Western Palearctic.
Helm Identification Guides. 1998.
No. 544
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa:
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Cramp & Simmons.
Vol 1. Ostrich to Ducks.
No. 191
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa:
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Cramp & Simmons.
Vol 2. Hawks to Bustards.
No. 192
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa:
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Cramp & Simmons.
Vol 3. Waders to Gulls.
No. 193
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa:
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Cramp.
Vol 4. Terns to Woodpeckers.
No. 194
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa:
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Cramp.
Vol 5. Tyrant Flycatchers to Thrushes.
No. 195
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa:
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Cramp.
Vol 6. Warblers.
No. 196
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa:
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Cramp & Perrins.
Vol 7. Flycatchers to Shrikes.
No. 197
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa:
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Cramp & Perrins.
Vol 8. Buntings to New World Warblers.
No. 200
Handbook of the Birds of Europe, The Middle East and North Africa:
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Cramp & Perrins.
Vol  9. Crows to Finches.
No. 344
Handguide to the Birds of Britain and Europe.  H Heinzel & M Woodcock. No. 413
Harriers of the British Isles.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 271
Helpers at Birds’ Nests.  Alexander F Skutch. 1987. No. 268
Here I am – Where are You?  Konrad Lorenz. 1988. No. 411
Herons Handbook.  James Hancock & James Kushlan. No. 240
Highlands and Islands.  Fraser Doping & J Martyn Boyd. No. 111
Historical Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain in Ireland 1875–1900.
Simon Holloway. Poyser.
No. 386
How Birds Work.  Ron Freethy. Blandford. 1982. No.  97
How to Birdwatch.  Stephen Moss. No. 664
How to watch birds.  John Gooders. 1975. No.  36
How to Watch Wildlife. Bill Oddie. 2005. No. 722
100 Birds to see before you die.  David Chandler & Dominic Couzens. No. 740
Identification Guide to European Non-Passerines.  Kevin Baker. BTO 24. No. 365
Identification Guide to European Passerines.  Lars Svensson.  BTO. 1970. No. 364
In Condor Country.  David Darlington. 1987. No. 243
In search of birds.  Jim Flegg. No. 330
Inconvenient Truth.  Al Gore. No. 732
Inland Birds of Saudi Arabia.  Jill Silsby. No. 493
Island of Terns.  Bob Chestney.  1993. No. 481
Just a Lark!  Jim Flegg et al.  1984. No. 285
Kestrel.  M Shrubb.  Hamlyn Species Guides. No. 484
Kestrel.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 272
Kestrels in the Kitchen.  Meg Elizabeth Atkins. 1979. No. 220
Kingfisher.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 183
Kingfisher.  David Boag. No.  95
Kingfishers, Bee-eaters and Rollers.  C Hilary Fry, Kathie Fry & Alan Harris No. 361
Last of the Curlews.  Fred Bodsworth. 1966. No. 634
Life of Birds.  David Attenborough.  1998. No. 550
Life of the Robin.  David Lack. 1965. No. 439
Lion and the Gazelle. Birds of Iran.  P N Humphreys & E Kahrom.  1995. No. 389
Lives of Birds.  Leslie L Scott. No. 478
Living Birds of the World.  E Thomas Gilliard.  1958. No. 460
Longman World Guide to Birds.  Phillip Whitfield. 1986. No. 208
Mammals: Collins Field Guide.  David McDonald & Priscilla Barrett. No. 730
Mandarin Duck.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 232
Manual of Raptors, Pigeons and Waterfowl.  Peter Beynon.  
Macmillan Birder’s Guide to European and Middle Eastern Birds. Alan Harris, Hadoram Shirihai & David Christie. No. 403
Merlins of the Welsh Marches.  D A Orton. No. 737
Migration Atlas: Movements of the Birds of Britain and Ireland. Wernham et al.  BTO. 2002. No. 643
More Songs of Wild Birds.  E M Nicholson & L Koch. No.  26
Mute Swan.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 252
Nests, Eggs, and Nestlings of North American Birds, A Guide to the.  Colin Harrison. 1978. No. 217
New Atlas of Breeding Birds 1988–91.  BTO. No. 339
New Generation Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. Christopher Perrins. No. 257
New World Warblers.  Jan Curson, David Quinn & David Beadle.
Helm Identification Guide.
No. 465
Nightjar.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 317
North America Bird Guide.  D Sibley. No. 615
Ontario Birds.  Journal Vol 12 No 2. 1984.  
Ornithology: an Introduction.  Austin L Rand.  1967. No. 633
Osprey: a natural & unnatural history.  Alan F Poole. No. 471
Owls of Europe.  Heimo Mikkola. No. 126
Owls: their Natural and Unnatural History.  John Sparks & Tony Soper. No.  72
Oystercatcher.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 294
Paddling of Ducks, A.  D Ripley. No. 615
Passion for Birds, A.  Tony Soper. 1988. No. 133
Pheasant.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 254
Photographic Field Guide: Birds of Britain and Europe.  Jim Flegg & David Hoskins. No. 715
Photographic Guide to the Birds of Japan & North East Asia, A.  T Shimba. No. 824
Photographic Guide to the Waders of the World. David Rosair & David Cottridge.  1995. No. 657
Plovers.  Richard Vaughan. No.  83
Population Studies of Birds.  David Lack. 1966. No. 114
Population Trends in British Breeding Birds.  J H Marchant, R Hudson, S P Carter
& P A Whittington.  BTO.  1990.
No. 474
Projects with Birds.  Peter Goodfellow.  1992. No. 414
Puffin.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 185
Puffin.  M P Harris. No. 472
Puffins.  R M Lockley. No. 392
Raptors of Israel.  David Yekutiel. No. 760
Rare Birds of the British Isles: A Personal Survey of over 300 unusual visitors.
David Saunders.  1991.
No. 337
Rare Birds of the World.  Guy Mountfort. No. 282
Rare Birds of Britain & Ireland (1976).  J T R Sharrock. No. 854
Ravens in Winter. Bernd Heinrich.  1990. No. 368
Redshank.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 293
Redstart.  John Buxton.  1950. No. 438
Register of Welsh Birds (in welsh).  Jones & Jones.  
Museum of Wales. 1973. No. 422
RSPB Complete Birds of Britain.  Rob Hume.  
RSPB Guide to Birdwatching..  P Conder. No. 218
RSPB Where to go Birdwatching.  1987. No. 718
Saving Birds – Welcome to Hungary.  1987.  
Sea birds.  Mary E Gillham.  1963. No.  23
Seabirds of Britain and Ireland.  S Cramp, W R P Bourne, & D Saunders. No.  53
Seabirds of Britain & Ireland (1974).  Cramp, S, Bourne, W.R.P. and Saunders, D. No. 855
Seabirds: their biology and ecology.  Bryan Nelson. No.  81
Seabirds: An Identification Guide.  Peter Harrison. No. 342
Seabirds.  J Fisher & R M Lockley. No. 212
Seasonal movements of summer migrants.  Nick Riddiford & Peter Findley. 1981. No. 476
Secrets of Bird Life: Guide to Bird Biology.  Ron Freethy.  1990. No. 292
Shell Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Ireland.  James Ferguson-Lees, Ian Willis & J T R Sharrock. No. 394
Shorebird Guide.  Michael O’Brian, Richard Crossley & Kevin Karlson. No. 736
Shorebirds: an Identification guide to the Waders of the World.  Peter Hayman, John Marchant & Tony Prater.  Helm Guide. No. 343
Site Guide to Britain and Ireland.  J Gooders. No. 761
Sketchbook of Birds, A.  C F Tunnicliffe.  Victor Gollancz.  1979. No. 302
Song Thrush.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 260
Songs of Wild Birds.  Nicholson & Koch.  1936. No.  43
Southern African Birdfinder.  C Cohen, C Spottiswode, J Rossouw. No. 727
Sparrow.  J Dennis Summers-Smith. No. 548
Sparrowhawk.  Ian Newton. No. 345
Sparrowhawk.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 145
Spirit of survival: A Natural and Personal History of Terns.  John Hay.  1974. No. 244
Starling.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 186
State of the Nation’s Birds.  Chris Mead. No. 669
Status of Seabirds in Britain and Ireland.  Clare Lloyd, Mark Tasker & Ken Partridge. No. 547
Stonechats.  Ewan Urquart. No. 520
Strange World of Birds.  J Wakefield. No. 137
Sunbirds.  R A Cheke, C F Mann & R Allen.  2001. No. 521
Swallow.  Hamlyn Species Guides. No. 418
Swallow.  Shire Natural History Series. No. 190
Swallows and Martins: An Identification Guide and Handbook. Angela Turner & Chris Rose. No. 360
Swans of the World.  S B Wilmore.  1979. No. 107
Swifts in a Tower.  David Lack. Methuen. 1956. No. 440
The Birdwatcher’s Guide to Britain and Europe.  John Gooders. No. 369
The Island (1975). R Lockley. No. 853
Titmice of the British Isles.  John A G Barnes. No. 287
To see every bird on Earth.  Dan Koeppel. No. 787
Tour of British Bird Reserves, A.  Valerie Russell. No. 128
Tracks and Signs of Birds of Britain and Europe.  R Brown, J Ferguson, M Lawrence & D Lees. No. 288
Tropical Birds.  C Roots. No. 278
Tundra Plovers.  Ingvar Byrkjedal & Des Thompson. No. 504
Twitchers Diary, A.  R Millington. No. 234
Twitcher’s Diary, A. Richard Millington. Blandford 1980. No. 235
Waders.  Desmond & Maimie Nethersole-Thompson. No. 488
Waders.  W G Hale. No.  75
Wading Birds of the World.  Eric Soothill. No. 638
Wandering Tattler.  Elizabeth Foster. No. 259
Warblers of Europe, Asia and North Africa.  Kevin Baker. No. 470
Watching Sea Birds.  Richard Perry. No. 629
Water Birds and Flightless Birds.  Ed. C M Perrins & A L A Middleton. 1987. No. 274
Water Birds with Webbed Feet.  Paul Geroudet. No. 290
Weather and Bird Behaviour.  Norman Elkins. No. 104
Wetlands of Britain, The Birdwatcher’s Guide to the. M A Ogilive. No. 762
Wheatear.  Peter Conder. No. 477
Where to go Birdwatching.  RSPB. No. 718
Where to watch Birds.  John Gooders. No. 311
Where to watch Birds in Africa.  Nigel Wheatley. No. 644
Where to watch Birds in Britain.  Simon Harrap & Nigel Redman. No. 510
Where to watch birds in Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and the former counties of the West Midlands.  Graham Harrison. No. 661
Where to watch Birds in Somerset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. Ken Hall & John Govett. No. 616
Where to watch birds in Southern and Western Spain.  Ernst Garcia & Andrew Patterson. No. 645
Where to watch birds in Switzerland.  Marco Saachi, Peter Ruegg & Jacques Laessar. No. 617
Who's Who in Ornithology.  John E Pemberton. No. 823
Wild Birds and the Land.  F H Lancum.  HMSO.  1952. No.   5
Wild Chorus.  Peter Scott.  1939. No.  40
Wild Wings to the Northlands.  S Baylis Smith. No. 328
Wildfowl – An Identification guide to the Ducks, Geese and Swans of the World.  Steve Madge & Hilary Burn. No. 327
Wildfowl in Great Britain.  HMSO. No. 118
Wildfowl in Great Britain.  Myryn Owen, G L Atkinson-Willes & D G Salmon. No. 101
Wings and Rings.  Richard Vaughan.  
Woodland Birds.  Eric Simms. No. 215
Woodpeckers of Europe.  Gerard Gorman. No. 708
World Birds.  Brian P Martin. No. 412
World of Birds.  James Fisher & Roger Peterson. 1964. No. 216
World of Humming Birds.  Tony Tilford.  2000. No. 716
World of Roger Tory Peterson.   Ed. By John C. Devlin and Grace Naismith. No. 851
World’s Vanishing Birds.  C Littlewood & D W Ovenden. No. 315
Year of the Greylag Goose.  Konrad Lorenz. No. 227
Young Birdwatcher.  C Hillstead. No. 361
County Annual Reports  
Avon Bird Report 2015. No.911
Birds of Monmouthshire.  Reports 1937 – 1963.  
Birds of Wiltshire.  Reports 1995–2000. No.739
East Glamorgan Bird Report No. 52 2013. No. 902
East Glamorgan Bird Report No. 53 2014. No. 909
East Glamorgan Bird Report No. 54 2015. No. 910
Glamorgan Bird Club Annual Report, (2014?). No. 901
Somerset Birds 2013. No. 900
Somerset Birds 2014. No. 907
Wildfowl Trust 11th Annual Report 1958/59.  
Gwent Ornithological Society DVDs  
Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife Part 1 (1–4). No. 771
Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife Part 1 (5–8). No. 772
Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife Part 2 (9–12). No. 773
Bill Oddie’s How to Watch Wildlife Part 2 (13–16). No. 774
Birds of Britain and Europe 1.  Divers to Wildfowl. No. 349
Birds of Britain and Europe 2.  Raptors to Waders. No. 350
Birds of Britain and Europe 3.  Skuas to Woodpeckers. No. 351
Birds of Britain and Europe. 4.  Larks to Thrushes. No. 352
Birds of Britain and Europe 5.  Warblers to Crows. No. 353
Birds of Britain and Europe 6.  Starlings to Buntings. No. 354
Bird Watching in England. No. 788
Birdwatching in Norfolk. No. 769
Birdwatching in Scotland. No. 770
British Birds 1.  Divers to Crakes. No. 542
British Birds 2.  Waders to Swift. No. 543
British Birds 3.  Swallows to Buntings. No. 544
British Birds of Prey No. 789
British Bird Song. No. 778
British Butterflies: An Interactive Guide. No. 782
Dragonflies and Damselflies of Great Britain. No. 777
Gosney in Arctic and Mallorca. No. 376
Gosney in Britain. No. 779
Gosney in Eastern Europe. No. 780
Gosney in Florida. No. 515
Gosney in Israel. No. 375
Gosney in Morocco. No. 517
Gosney in Spain. No. 514
Gosney in Texas. No. 516
The Great Bustard Return.  Nar. Sir David Attenborough. No. 781
Gulls: Video Guide to the Gulls of Europe, Asia and North America. Two video set  
Kingfisher: Secret Splendour of the Brook and Short Eared Owl.  
Lesbos in Spring. No. 491
The Natural History of the Isle of Portland. No. 660
Video Guide to British Garden Birds. David Attenborough  
Waders 1 The Key to Waders of Europe, Asia, and North America.  GOS. No. 775
Waders 2 The Key to Waders of Europe, Asia, and North America. GOS. No. 776
Rodney Morris.  Bird Video (Various species filmed locally)  
The Birds of the Western Palearctic.  Demo disc  
British Birds.  CD Rom Guide  
Digital Photography Workflow. 1 to 1 Tutorial.  Terry Wall CD  
Buzzard 2005.  Rodney Morris DVD  
British Birds Interactive DVD–ROM (1907–2007).  GOS. No. 783

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7:30 pm Indoor Event – Curlew a Return t... @ Goytre Village Hall
Indoor Event – Curlew a Return t... @ Goytre Village Hall
Apr 5 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm
An illustrated talk by Jon Avon, Dartmoor Curlew Recovery Project Goytre Village Hall, NP4 0AR