Neville Davies – Avocets – Goldcliff Lagoons – 29/11/2024

Waders fast becoming a rarity on the lagoons due to the water levels purposely kept high for the winter ducks. Shame something couldn’t be constructed for lagoon 3, only long-legged waders now. En-route to hides: robins, crows, 2 buzzards, jackdaws, Canada geese, blackbirds, moorhen and herring gulls. Hide 1: mallards only. Hide 2: pair of shelduck, 7 shoveler, 86 lapwing, 24 teal, 23 wigeon, 6 passing swans, 35 ringed plovers that flew in over the lagoons and straight out over the seawall as water too high, starlings and female marsh harrier. En-route platform a single chiffchaff feeding in the hedge line, magpies and a blue tit. Snipe platform – 76 more teal, 5 gadwall, coot, 4 more shoveler, 4 more swans and woodpigeons. En-route to platform – 3 stock doves overhead and distant collard dove calling. Marsh platform – cettis and wren at the base of the reeds opposite. Seawall: cormorant, 1 heron, 10 curlew, oystercatchers, 1 great black-backed gull, 1 common gull, black headed gulls, male peregrine perched on the washed up tree later having a go at the godwits, pied wagtail, 3 dunlin and 19 avocets was nice to see. Hide 3: little egret, 233 more teal and 3 more wigeon. Back at the car park 3 redwings, chaffinch and a song thrush.