En-route to hides: herring gulls, crows, jackdaws, magpies, song thrush, dunnock, wrens, pheasants and blackbirds. Hide 1: Canada geese, 18 greylag geese flying out, 25 teal, 2 wigeon, 8 black tailed godwits, robin and stonechats. Hide 2: water rail squealing, 33 more teal, 4 shoveler, 2 curlew, 1 heron, 3 fly-by swans, starlings, little egret, 25 lapwing which landed in front of hide one ad a single golden plover mixed in, marsh harrier, buzzard calling, robins, linnets and 1 stock dove. Snipe platform: male pintail, 15 gadwall, coot, 71 more teal, mallards and 8 more shoveler. En-route to seawall: 4 fieldfares calling, blue tits and chaffinch. Seawall – numerous meadow pipits, male pied wagtail, great white egret flying across by the wall and then on past The Point, shelduck, 2 more wigeon, black headed gulls, 4 oystercatchers, 31 more curlew, 35 redshanks and a better flock of 30 dunlin. Hide 3: reed bunting and 25 more wigeon. Other: fungi enthusiasts, horse mushrooms and orange peel fungus on raised bank to the right just over the stone bridge.